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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. Dont forget, the Geneva is revised about once a year. Im gointo town, but Ill have it when I get back.
  2. Have you studied the Geneva Convention and the US ROEs? Do you spend your nights studying warfare to try to gain an edge when yougo to basic training? From my guess yes, cause you seem to be the most logical person here. But the Geneva banned triangular spike bayonettes.
  3. Which is why te worlds largest grizzky was killed by one? And wgats the difference in a "poor defensless animal" and an unsuspecting person? And the m91 bayonette is triangular and banned due to brutality. Guess ehats truangular? Arrowheads (broadheads)
  4. Triangular bayonettes ARE banned. http://www.armchairgeneral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17033
  5. pale1776

    Unrealistic Firearms

    FPSRussia does it :PAnd OP, its not deviation for characyer, its deviation on the condition of the gun. A rusy old barrel thats warped (badly damaged) is far less accurate then a brand new (pristine) barrel. And bullet condition, banged up, grimy old rounds (badly damaged) dont burn powder as evenly, may not be precisely balanced, as a brand new (pristine) bullet would. THAT my friend, is realism P.S You better hope they dont add in ammo quality (russian surplus versus Match grade Western ammo)
  6. If its useless in real life, how do.people hunt with it so well? How did people.fight wars? Seriously, its a piece of metal with about 4 razor blades on it. Guess what its shaped like? The mosin m91/30 bayonette I have. Guess whats banned by the Geneva Convention for making a wound that cannot be sewed up and doesnt heal properly? The m91/30 bayonette.
  7. Thank you for callin him out, a real SEAL wouldnt have time with these childish games. That is highly offensive, they risk and give their lives every day and why? So that you can say sonething like that. And this is coming from.someone whos starting the paperwork to serve my country./rant But guys keep in.mind, its a video.game and extremely hard to replicate actual damage.statistics. Plus its alpha, so expect it to be changed.
  8. pale1776

    Humanity 2.0

    Okay, so I have experience as a true bandit, a hero, and a koser. Ill admit, each style has its own perks and fun, but I prefer hero (dat badass skin tho) Kos is necessary at times, but to be honest the amount is sheerly rediculous. And I know alot do it because its alpha and theres nothin to do, but were setting bad habits. Hopefully a certain console game that was released will reclaim.the codkiddies that came in when DayZ gained publicity. But I think there should be humanity. Not the instant skin change, even thought I love that hero skin. But something akin to mental trauma and anguish. As yoy become a killer, your character hears things, maybe voices or screams of pain (seperate from any noise made by a nearby character to avoid screwups And confusion but add depth) and every now and then, say when you turn a corner, you see a dark human shape shadow move out of view. Maybe panicked breathing. It gets worse the more you kill. If you lay off killing, then it slowly disapoears. BUT this is where the pshyco playstuyle comes in to effect. As you keep killing, your pushed to a mental breaking ooint. You no.longer have the visions, no longer hear the screams of the dying. You now have no.remorse, no guilt. But you are anxious for the next kill, so you become fidgety. This is viewable by you and other olayers, but is cosmetic. The fidgety motions wont affect accuracy. Any comments, questions, concerns? This is a rough draft, and Id like yalls input and see what yall think. Take care.
  9. If yoi read the whole thread, you would have seen it was a miscommunication that was cleared up. Reading: It saves lives.
  10. Copy and pasted this from my post on Steam, sorry. 1) Reenact D-Day up the beach and away from spawncampers. 2) Look at the sun and make sure you know the server time. It rises in the East and sets in the West. That should give you rough bearings. 3) Travel about 20 meters off of DIRT roads and if you must, 50 off of paved roads. 4) Hit up small towns, find a gun and wait till night to hit up larger cities and airfields. 5) ALWAYS LOG OFF IN A SAFE PLACE. TAKE YOUR TIME. 6) Encounter another player *SIMULATION* if you KoS proceed to step 7; if your friendly roll a die. If it lands on 1-6, return to step one. 7) Feel remorse 8) Sit on shipwreck, looking at the sunset over the ocean waves as you ponder life; about whether or not you should live for a few more DayZ 9) Decide to live, begin to exit shipwreck. 10) Return to step one.
  11. pale1776

    Humanity 2.0

    What, the realistic trauma from killing isnt acceptable for you? Itll throw you off?Well if you read the whole thing, you would see the saving grace for kosers. After so.many kills (20,50,100 whatever) it disappears. No more visions, noises, fidgeting. Your a pshyco, and if anything you.look forward to the next kill. After that theres no giveaways, nothing. Its like you just started. And the fidgeting wouldnt be like a siezure, just finicky motions that someone would have to pay close attention to to.notice. The game is based on realism, and trauma from killing is real. Whether or not its used isnt up to you, even though it doesnt punish players, it gives them an insight to just a small shred of what killing does to you. Its up to the community, who seems to like it except for you, and the devs. And the guy who said it about this being a mod, yeah maybe it could be. I can see the guys over at DayZ RP using it, becauae it adds depth and the realism the game shoots for.
  12. pale1776

    Humanity 2.0

    Thanks man, glad you.like it. But the devs need to drop the whole entirely player driven thing. Rocket even said the game isnt what he wanted it to be, just common douchebaggery when he wanted players to simulate the apocolypse. Without a deterrent of SOME sort, this is just codzombies where little kids are cool because they pretend to.rape you before killing you. Yeah, kosers are necessary. I ran into guys, theyd fire and sayrun instead of just shooting. Then theyd hunt me down, because they knew HOW to kos. Not "lul I camp staircases just like cod #pro" but actual kosers who.made it fun to die. Oh, guys look up Call of Cthulu Xbox on youtube. It had the coolest humanity/sanity thing. Buuut, I know it wont work. Imagine all the threads "I camped da starecase in baloter like a mlg 360 noscope pro For 3 ours Den killd mah selfie"
  13. pale1776

    New server mode : Survival

    I think Op wants a Wasteland Mod for DayZ SA. Which is reasonable, oeooke already olan to.make an Arma Mod for DayZ SA
  14. Probably man :pIt is easy to kill someone, IF tou.know what your doing. The problem is its really impossible for a videogame to mimic actual injuries and death. To do that, wed need to have people actually injured with each method ingame, just to.mimic the magnitude of it and recovery time. P.S, Im not bullshitting about my dad :p
  15. Which is why hes got 2 purple hearts and a silver star? Yeah, miracles happen, hes seen them. But they dont happen everyday. Seems like your friends have seen a lot of them, be it their timing or Gods will. But not everyone is so lucky. Shock actually kills alot more people then the actual round itself. But anyway, its a lethal projectile going as fast as some bullets. Its lethal, BUT you have to hit them in he head, heart or spine to be a one shot INSTANT death. Lung, liver ext is nearly guaranteed, but not always. Arms, legs and such, makes for a nice conversation piece but may mess you up.
  16. Youd also be surprised from what your veteran father says, such as mine.
  17. pale1776

    Zoo in DayZ

  18. You know why theyre doing that? Welcome to build 0.42, almost halfway through alpha (FINALLY) Do you want M4s and other guns to be as common as can openers were early on, and be stuck with a crossbow worse than your fists?
  19. pale1776

    Zoo in DayZ

    Yeah, but I feel really bad for old people. I guess it came from carin for my grandpa when he.was sick near the end So.no.more old people pictures :p
  20. Okay look guys, point is in real life one shot and your done, no matter what. Yeah, theres exceptions, look at Iraq. But to be blunt, its pretty much obe shot one kill.
  21. pale1776

    Zoo in DayZ

    Well, I was just sayin if people did it durin a hurricane, theyd do.it here. ESOECIALLY the lonely old groundskeeper.
  22. Actually, the medula oblangata makes death instantaneous, meaning ZERO movement after its destroyed. Thats why Secret Service snipers aim.for that, the possible jerking and spasms of the body wont pull the trigger or detnator
  23. Because its a 2 and a half foot long CHUNK OF WOOD goin about as fast as a .357 Buuuut, I do know that they pull ballistics out of a bucket full of random numbers sooo...
  24. pale1776

    Zoo in DayZ

    I didnt excactly mean luons an.tigers an bears (ohmy) but they would still be cool. By the way, lookat Katrina and other disasters. The guys who worked at the zoo sooo looong that they really love those animals. Will relealse them even if it means personal risk. Look. At. Katrina.