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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. This is a link to the imgur post, and doesnt lead to any other site. I found this post (bored, lookin for cheaters is my nee fun until beta) Looks to me like either someone is hacking in gear and selling it, or a server admin is abusing their ownership. I thought this should be brought to yalls attention, and if its a legitimate thing, Im sorry but cant be too safe. [snip]
  2. pale1776

    Learning, and an Incentive For Real DayZ Fans

    Theres riots in Ferguson because a cop shot a man who just broke his jaw and robbed a gas station... You can be sure some dumbass will start a rumor, and people will get pissed and follow along. And technically it is, if you are infected and sneeze then the virus lingers and settles on everything around it, I mean damn hows it killed all these people in africa if its not deadly? And swine flu was a lie, perpetrated by the government. Yeah it was real, but how the hell was noone in Mexico infected if it originated in Mexico? Plus you know... all it takes is for an isis fighter to get ebola on purpose and suicide bomb a mall... My point is, if theres fear there will be riots. When War of The Worlds came out, an excerpt was broadcast as a news story on the radio to promote it. People thought it was real, and rioted and acted like they were gonna die. Many people died from that. Whixh is why its illegal to broadcast fake news like that Look it up, War of the Worlds Radio Riots And no need to be a smartass Chain, its better to prepare and not use it than it is to not prepare and need it
  3. pale1776

    Learning, and an Incentive For Real DayZ Fans

    Maybe you should read my OP. I know how to sew, start a fire, and shoot. As can most everyone in Georgia. I meant that finding improvised ways (water bottle fire per say) are available as an ingame action, but to figure it out you would have to read the book to figure out what materials. And can you give yourself a bloodbag, and do you know how to prevent an oxygen bubble in the IV line from killing you? I meant that theres better ways to do things, that are available to everyone. Say S to squeeze the bloodbag. You may find it on accident, or you read the book and saw that this helps speed the process up. Have a water bottle? Find a survival guide and see that you need a few more materials and push B to blow to kindle it. I meant things that all characters can do, but the player needs to find how. And by the way, read the post above yours, its a little more planned. And by the way, indirect insults arent smiled upon here. lol, actually the people at my school are mostly afraid of the woods and find fishing disgusting and hunting cruel (In Georgia... seriously?) My dad is ex SF, so he taught me survival skills and such, which by the looks of this ebola scare, Id say that it will be an outbreak by December, and rioting and chaos will insue near latr January, early February. SO GUYS, STOCK UP ON FOOD AND AMMO, CAUSE THE ITS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN Sorry, just tryin to indirextly save lives here...
  4. Careful OP... CoD Kiddies and the Reddit kids who sam good suggestions with nonsense and flood the forums with bitching are finding their way here... Some people get huffy puffy when you suggest adding something to keep them from playing CoD and make them have to play DayZ. But its okay, I see rage threads everyday where they claim to give up because of weather, zombies, rare loot, ect. So eventually, us survivors, heroes, and true bandits (Not the KoSing CoDKiddies who patrol the coast, but the KoSers who do it for food, fear and safety are okay) will be able to play DayZ again soon (Betaish I hope)
  5. pale1776

    Learning, and an Incentive For Real DayZ Fans

    You wanna elaborate as to why instead of wasting space and contributing absolutely nothing?And guys who dont want skills, learn will "lock" the ability they learned. Its up to them to figure how to do it by reading. You click learn and you get the option to say start a fire with a water bottle, but you didnt read that your suppose to.say, push B to blow or keep your back to the sun, or push S to squeeze the bloodbag at 5 second intervals to speed it up but not too fast so they dont die (I can see the crybaby threads now... OMG I SPAMMED ESS AND IT KILLED MAH FRAND I.WANT MOHNY BAK DIS GAYME SUKS) Or when putting on a splint you place the knots on the outside of the limb and put one above and below the joint. Or when applying a tourniquet, you hold space and rotate your mouse in a circle to cinch it in place. So basically, learn button would ONLY open up the new function (right click water bottle) but YOU have read to see how (rotate mouse, B to blow, S to squeeze, where to tie the knots on the splint) Actually, better yet. Put all the functions ingame as somethong all players can do, but put the ways to become better in the book. If the player reads, he sees he pushes B to blow, where to tie the knots, and to stop bloodflow he needs to rotate the mouse. It can be discovered by accident, it can be found in a book, and *Read This* your own brain now has the knowledge, not some character that magically regenerates with amnessia.
  6. pale1776

    Learning, and an Incentive For Real DayZ Fans

    Yeah, Im worried that the guys from reddit who downvote every good suggestion and bitch 24/7 will come here and drown us in stupid ideas... Maybe another Fwhatever key could be made, where it would engage in a seperate menu like tge inventory, but you scroll through knowledge on the right side and teach, and scroll on the left to learn what they know?
  7. pale1776

    The First Dayz DLC....

    Hmm, thats not like Kyrah at all... OP... suck my beans. I want a snow map to be the first new SA map
  8. Wow, someone must have been a little bitch and got banned. Come here to cry? And personal insults do no good, and many of us (Including Steak, a mod here) have majestic manbeards and are against the black magic known as... shaving. Its okay kiddy, youll have a beard one... wait, only men grow them. Disregard.Anyway, OP Ill be comin tonighy. Whats the launch parameters eith DZC?
  9. pale1776

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

  10. pale1776

    The DayZ Shop

    I believe the currency should be ingame, but used and controlled by the players. Say, theres a bag for 50 gold coins/bottlecaps/ cigarretes, rounds of ammo, ect. Well, this guys screwin you over, the trader in Zino is sellin a pristine one for 40 currency. Should you kill the guy, barter or leave? Personally, Id like to either see ammo, gold coins, cigarretes, fuel or somethin like that as currency. You know, valubles that are traded (I.e bartering) that either have a ton of use or non but are rare. On a server I used to play on (vanilla) I started a can currency that eceryone used lol It was like One empty tin can = 1 empty tin can One empty soda can = 5 empty tin cans One full tin can = 10 empty tin cans or 2 empty soda cans One full soda can = 20 empty tin cans, 4 empty soda cans, or 2 full soda cans One Mountain Dew = 100 empty tin cans, 20 empty soda cans, 10 full tin cans, 5 full soda cans, or ome Mountain Dew. Basically Empty tin- 1$ Empty soda- 5$ Full tin- 10$ Full soda- 20$ Mountain Dew- 100$
  11. pale1776

    These Kids Though...

    Im not better than anyone elses playstyle (except for what I am going to describe) I play as a Hero, I help and such, but I rob like a bandit and KoS when Im covering my buddy or just finished a firefight. I like Heros, I like Bandits, even the occasional KoS is good for a fresh start and such. But these kids... Instance one- Kiddish voice asks for help, I kill a zed and saline him. I have my legs broken and he proceeds to tell me how many views he will get on youtube, and I roll off the hospital to end it. Instance two- Respawn as a black lady (dafuq) only to have my legs broken in a barn by a guy calling me a N----- bitch and I guess teabagging me. A zed had mercy on me... Instance three- Respawn and go to NWAF and back south, held up in Cherno by a grown man I think (yay, interaction) and its going good. He says "get on your knees and be my bitch" so I pulled the pin in my grenade and kill us both as I scream "IM NOONES BITCH BITCH!" I hate these kids lol
  12. pale1776

    Backpacks: how to make them unique?

    Really? Thats why Army tents were canvas, the canvas tarp I have covering my deerstand roof is canvas, and canvas is used in boating and fishing products because its waterproof?Anything meant for hunting, or tthe military is waterproof, and canvas is still waterproof, it never stopped. Oh, and the bags not that old. I still buy those at my gunstore, they come in black too. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canvas Im just sayin, we should be able to put a raincoat on our bags with a roll of tape
  13. pale1776

    [Suggestion] Strong side, Weak side.

    Maybe add excercise into effect as well? Say, do pushups to help increase endurance, so that you sway less (DEFINITELY not how it works but I blame alpha)? Or add it so that your "preferred" side becomes dominant.
  14. pale1776

    The Mantra of a Dayz "Hero"

    Seems like nxz and a few others think theyre l33t scout snipers cause they can play Arma 4 Zomblife... At least theyll be gone when survival gets tough, or at least freeze or starve. Seriously, why the hell dont you people play Wasteland if you want to kill everything thay moves and half of what doesnt, then say that zombies and survival are hindering your "playstyle"?
  15. pale1776

    These Kids Though...

    Well seein as how the L33t scout snipers on youtube ruined DayZ by drawing these kids to the game, yes. When the mod first came out, you had SOME KoS, not everyone was an antisocial prick. I never died up until DayZ hit youtube and the kids came (I say kid but alot of these are "grown" men)So all in all, yes I do feel better because 1- Real players dont ghost 2- The kids will leave when survival comes in, they add weather and look at the bitchin 3- Most of them die shortly after because they dont know that food is necessary, and I tell everyone I meet that the blueberries regenerate health and make them drunk
  16. pale1776

    These Kids Though...

    They think its fun and games now, little do they know that Im going to kill every squeky voice behind a clown mask I see, and anyone screaming OMG HELP PLZ DE ZOOMBIE/AMINALS/BAHNDITS ARE KYLING MEHSo yeah, enjoy humping that guy now kiddie. He may shoot you if SHTF in your lifetime.
  17. pale1776

    These Kids Though...

    RapeZ I suppose, I mean the kid on the hospital was punching me to death and the barnman was pitchforking my anus...I suppose the last guy woulda shot me anyway, at least I ruined everything he owned when I blew up
  18. pale1776

    Graphics Help...

    I have an Asus X200CA, and frankly I always thought 15 fps was normal XD Many of you know me, but truth is Im not a PC PRO FO LYFE kinda person, I play DayZ cause its fun. As I type, I hit each key with my index finger, thats how computer impaired I really am. So, does anyone have any advise for my graphics? Thanks.
  19. pale1776

    Graphics Help...

    Well, I cant complain bout 20-30 fps on singleplayer since I use editor to record on youtube lol. I was just wonderin why I could crank it to high and very high on SP with good frames and suck on a server. I think the link exolains it though, thanks fellows.
  20. Personally, I would like them to run at a brisk jog, not like the last patch I played (.47) where they ran past me, through a house, and stopped to turn around to hit me on the other side of the street XD
  21. pale1776

    Implement a Moral stat?

    Well actually, DayZ is an ANTI-game. Its meant to be so boring, and such a challenge that only true DayZers will play it (like the mod was before codkiddies decided to make codkiddie mods) Hell, these people cry about their immersion if they are in fear of not playing CodZ, OH GOD MY IMMERSION, THESE GUYS DONT HAVE REAL LIFE SIDE AFFECTS FROM BEING MASS MURDERING DOUCHES! What about MY and other true DayZers immersion? I wonder how these guys will handle it when theres like 5 boxes of ammo per server and the death/ server change timer is implemented... I guess theyll go back to turning friendly fire on in BOZombies.
  22. pale1776

    Graphics Help...

    Thanks Mos1ey, I dunno how specs work and whats better than what. And thanks Jarhead, but I dont know how to read specs and such. On a bad server I get 10-15, average is 20-25, the best I had was 30 on a vanilla server. But in singleplayer, I put it all on high and get 30-35 so I think its a server problem. Well thanks guys, Ill read up on what works and how
  23. pale1776

    Suggestion: randomised spawn clothing sets.

    I like te OP idea. I dont like the randomness, or the highend spawns. I say you choose, and its a base model, like barracks fatigues with 2 slot pants, police trainee uniform with 2 slot pants, you get the idea. Freshspawn versions of stuff.
  24. pale1776

    Are these weather effects a bit too much?

    I just dont see why the hell the kids who want pvp to be easier dont play Arma. Please dont say age, Im 16 and still have better grasps on what DayZ is than most people XD
  25. pale1776

    Implement a Moral stat?

    Personally, I want a hero skin I can spawn with in the shirt selection menu after I give 100 blood/saline bags XD And you people crying about how forcing you to not show off your l33t scout sniper tactics by killing everything is unrealistic, how realistic is it that YOU RESPAWN AFTER DEATH? I mean, it sure breaks MY immersion to kill a guy and have him run back to me, maybe add a one hour cool down? So that way he wont ruin mine? I mean really, noone can kill without some sort of mental change. Still, I just prefer the optional hero/bandit clothes available as a spawn