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Everything posted by pale1776

  1. pale1776

    Amount of vehicles / working vehicles

    Some of you must have never seen a car I swear... In my spare time when Im not shooting, hunting or building/working on guns, I work on cars. Yeahyeah, Im the ultimate survivalist. I always wanted to be prepared if SHTF, so yall come live with me if it does. The way these broken cars look, even police ones, its been roughly 20-100 years since Day Zero (I dont understand the logic... these infected apparently are immortal ghost unless shot to death, fruit on shelves can outlast cars, the zombies learned to cut the grass and clean the house, and blueberries are poisonous in the apocolypse) Ive worked on cars that sat for a year, and I had to replace the carberuetor, fuel pump, spark plugs, gas lines, batteries, power steering fluid, gas, brake fluid, rims if they were older and tires. So roughly a month of work. And I can work on cars, not a survivor who washed up on a beach without a reason why or any memory. So all you guys sayin that a car would be easy to fix: Find the lever that opens your hood and have a look (unless your one of the pro survivalist 13 year olds who cant drive and doesnt have a gun)
  2. pale1776

    customizable cars!

    It means "Oh shit, humanity is dwindling, we should play it safe and try to slowly rebuild society." But it seems that some people believe it would be "Oh shit, theyre trying to rebuild humanity. Better go kill them" In real life, the KoS guys would die the first year. Too much noise, too eager for a kill, too stupid to watch the flanks. Only difference is that they respawn in DayZ, the dont in real life. ESPECIALLY if they acted like they do ingame, since so many of them seem to say thats what they would do in real life. On topic Id like the VS3 to have a ton of customization, as well as trucks and urals. Found scrap metal, chicken wire, nails and rope? Youve got yourself a semi-bullet proof cage. Mosin bayonets welded to the rim lol Road plow on the front XD
  3. Bump Yall got a server? Cause Ive only seen 4 previous ones with like one guy in them. And now none show up.
  4. pale1776

    Taviana-Anywhere to make a good base?

    Still tryin to figure it out, need a place XD I thought about the swamp, or the small island northeast city. Or just build floors over the vilvcano, and put one door and stairs. Break into my base in the wrong spot beeches XD
  5. pale1776

    No Destruction of Certain Objects: Guns, stones

    Wh...why lol?I was hopin someone liked my firearms knowledge... </3
  6. pale1776

    No Destruction of Certain Objects: Guns, stones

    Well... the owner of Daniel Defense takes a kitted AR they make from the production line, and throws it from his 3 story roof to see what can be improved. He.does it to a random rifle everyday (he destroys them by melting, he doesnt sell those :p) and they all work, since he issues a report on what to improve. The buttstock (Magpuls) used to be the worst part affected. Hell, search Daniel Defense M4 IED Survival Test on Youtube (YT has been broke lately, google got hacked again. Not my internet, everyone I know has problems) and it comes out of a car after bein hit by 10 pounds of C4 under the car. Guess what? The stock was broke (Magpul) but they used the same mag (there goes the mag argument) and shot 30 rounds without flaw. Even the Aimpoint micro wasnt shattered, and held zero at 20 yards. And the mount was fine, which is how it maintained zero. So if a gun survives an IED, Im sure it can survive a what appears to be half rotten, but these arent undead, corpse like thing. And HELL NO. You know what it takes to bend a gun barrel? A vice and a ton of effort with a hammer. Thee are forged steel objects, if your barrel bends when you try to bend it with your hands or on the ground, DONT buy from that compqny, and issue a warning to the NRA
  7. pale1776

    Shoes in experimental

    Nobody here arguing against how the degredation is realistic realizes that on deployement to Afghanistan, they patrol at least 15 miles nearly everyday for 12-16 (4 if your Wussy Guard) months with a single pair of boots... But I have some friends who were SF and they went through 2-3 pairs of Merrils/Oakleys per deployement (they basiclly go nonstop all day everyday really) So yeah, they dont degrade that fast, and in no way is it realistic. Anyone back me up? Where my Soldiers at? Hell, wheres Steak at, with a beard like that he was probably SF
  8. pale1776

    Shoes in experimental

  9. pale1776

    Are the Zombies Usain Bolt based ?

    Yeeeee quoted by Mos1ey, Ill put this next to my beans from Orlok and Steak. Ill buy that next time the money hits, I liked the sequel so the first must be better. If its not, Ill hint you down Mos1ey... I honestly think that if an infected kills someone, it should eat them right there (or carry it to the horde, I Am Legend anyone?) unless theres a distraction. This would help keep server performance up with a realistic way to delete bodies, and combat the running back to get your gear.
  10. pale1776

    Are the Zombies Usain Bolt based ?

    Yeah Mos1ey... I love 28 Weeks Later, I still cant find the first movie on DVD though :/ Come to think of it, they both seem like ebola (bleeding out the eyes, ears, mouth, ect) and rabies (obvious)... maybe its whats happening to the world now! Personally, I like my idea as well: Have a mixture based on the environment. In the woods, they would be walkers, jumpers, crawlers, and joggers because they are weakened from the lack of food in their area. On the coast, there would be Usain Bolts, runners, joggers, walkers, jumpers and crawlers because thats where everyone is, and they would be well fed, but a mixture of all for realism. There should be literally hundreds of them, it would reduce PVP and it would make people think twice about firing a gun at a newspawn when theres 100 infected nearby. Hopefully, some people have the IQ of the infected when they get a gun or fists... In small villages, there would be joggers, walkers, jumpers and crawlers since they are fed well, but not as good as the coastal infected. And in airfields, there should be a LOT more infected. Like, when the engine can handle it, maybe 50-100 of them. Everyone goes to the guys with guns when SHTF, and military airfields have guns. They would have Usain Bolts, joggers, walkers, crawlers and jumpers, but there would be armored and civilian versions. Plus it would stop camping if theres like 50 armored joggers outside. So basically my idea is this Usain Bolts- Faster than we can sprint, presides in military areas and the coast Joggers- Run as fast as we run normally without sprint, presides in military areas, the coast, villages and the woods Walkers- Stumbling idiots, sliggtly faster than our walk, weakened by the lack of food. Found in military areas, the coast, villages and the woods Jumpers- the crouch leapfrogging infected. They can do whatever thats called faster than we can crouch run. Not sure if starved, or just mentally incompetent, as this is extremely painful if you ever try this. Crawlers- the last stages of an infecteds life. They have been starved, beaten, and cast out by society. They crawl as fast as we crouch walk, and make little to no noise. Poor things... theyre people to Carol! *new infected idea* Dormant- The last hours of an infecteds life. They just stand, sit or lay there. If they lunge for you, they fall and shed a tear. Youd have to TRY to die from one, good suicide zombies though. * newer new idea* Randomized zombie crashes Randomly put zombies pinned under cars, or rubble, or maybe even have one impaled on reebar or tied to a post or somethin. They woild add immersion, and have a chance of breaking free as a walker, jumper or crawler. Or maybe make them static, so that we can always count on those infected reqching at you from the rubble of the international hotel or that car on the road by Stary. But they could stil grab and possibly kill you if you got too close. Another good suicide zombie. Or maybe add a mixture of static and dynamic? And maybe I should even post this seperately? Maybe the zombie are already here!?! Whaddo you guys think?
  11. pale1776


    Im just sayin, my bears wont fall.off due to a zombie apocolypse. Its not realistic *grabs stomach* OOF MY IMMERSION XD Seriously, let us choose beards that grow (no.mountain man beard, thats for skilled players. We have small beardettes) it would be immersion breaking if I cant have my beard. Off topic, its also immersion breaking seeing Rockets face on the ingame movie poster and then seeing 2 Rocket faced players...
  12. pale1776

    Drugs, drug addiction and cooking drugs

    Fixed that for ya :pAlso... mods... that above post tho
  13. pale1776

    Persistant Trees

    If we get urals and theyre anything like the mod, expect to see treesless servers. But some of my most favorite moments were in epoch, clearing a runway for an incoming biplane, or parachuting out to create an LZ for the chopper so we could set up a fire. I hope this happens. Hey! For those who want takistan, download color effects and cut down the trees!
  14. pale1776

    ballistic knife

    Lose the attitude, people will take you seriously. The CoD concept of a 10 yard shot is false. It may fly that far, but it wouldnt have enough killing power. These arent really even meant for 5-10 feet, its meant for this: Your in a knife fight, and your knife hand is pinned. Your about to be killed, so you shoot it, hoping that it either kills them or stuns them so you can jump back into the fight. And your argument for arrows? Invalid. Ive dropped deer and hogs instantly with my bow and crossbow. Its not like a 4 inch knife blade with maybe a 20 pound spring (if its high quality and new) an arrow is a 2-3 foot long stick (or carbon fiber tube) with, on my bow a 90 pound draw, and my crossbow a 120 pound draw. So that 3 foot stick going 300 feet per second is going to rupture the heart, or be guaranteed to go through the head. A 4 inch blade going 50-100 feet per second, you would be lucky if 2 inches of the blade penetrated from 10 feet. My source? Family friend, former Soviet era CIA. And ask anyone on the forums, if I dont have a legitimate source or I myself have the knowledge (ballistics, firearms, how a person falls to the ground when shot) I manage to find it. And this is no different, Im correct.
  15. pale1776

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    I still dont see why you people are bitchin about this. They are in Arma 2 They are in Arma 2 OA They have been added to the loot table in Vanilla DayZ Mod They exist in rel life, and ingame THEY ARE NOT MADE OF GOLD, merely gold plated. Like hydrodipping. So your argumwnt against this is legitimate how?
  16. pale1776

    cutting down on snipers

    Does anyone remember that presentation Rocket did and was talking of ballistics? If you read the list, it said snow... SNOW. and ballistics but snow!So boom, 2 in one. All of what Chain mentioned is actually planned, ballistics will reduce these l33t scout snipers, and it confirms snow so either in a new map or Chernarus, so yall can stop.suggesting snow :p
  17. Nooo, my opinion itself can be wrong, but I see my opinion as.So basically Idea behind opinion- wrong How I see opinion- right
  18. So please explain, how the hell am I wrong about what I KNOW MY OPINION IS. I know my opinion. Me. Not you, ME. So please, post that essay about how Im wrong about what I said my opinion was. I mean, I only have the brain that has the opinion, surely I dont know what my opinion is!
  19. What most of yall dont realize, is that radiation settles. If say a nuke went off in the desert, the wimd would disperse most of it yes. But, it would settle in the lowest spots (point of impact, watering holes, holes, depressions, between 2 hills, the COAST. So if we did this, it would give more incentive to gwt yhe hell off the coast, and at least if they wanna PVP they gotta fight the mountainmen who knows what to look for and most likely has a sniper. Also needs more skill since its not close quarters :) So basically, there CAN be contaminated zones that ARE realistic. Ill roll in your beanz now.
  20. Actually, Im all for anything to decrease KoS and against CoDZ. I dont believe you read it right because a "vendetta for anything against these ideas" would mean that I support the children who bought DayZ instead of Arma 3 lol. So to clarify- Im against KoS and support the OP, I was just telling the OP to be prepared for spam, flames, how he sucks at DayZ and needs to KoS, and the occasional spam account releasing a vulgar threat laced PM.
  21. pale1776

    Shooting the Arm Drops the Gun

    A .22 can, but it will also travel up the bone. Possibly killingyou also. If your shot in the rib, it may follow the rib and into your chest cavity
  22. pale1776

    Shooting the Arm Drops the Gun

    Fixed that for you kind sir :DI.agree, sounds good. As we go, Id like a knockback/ shellshock function as well
  23. Okay, so it seems that everyone in the game was a Delta operative. We can make splints, administer blood transfusions, start fires, sew clothes, and can hit a moving target from 1000 yards. Now I can do all of this (minus the blood transfusion, I said Fuh Da Bihh) but most people cant. But READ THIS, dont take our ability to do this away. Instead, put in learning books (suggested before, flooded with people who cried and mostly never thought it through) that we can red. But to satisfy the lazy ones, put it so that theres a learn button on the first page. And to satisy us true DayZers, read the required items. Say you can give a blood transfusion, but you cwant to do it faster. Find a med-book, click learn and increse the speed slightly. Wanna go faster? Flip pages until you find another learn button. Wanna start a fire but dont have everything? Find a survival guide and click learn, then flip to the ingredients. Say you have a water bottle (Thanks OP of the water bottle fire thread) and need a fire. You right click on the bottle, and srink it. No more options? Huh. Let me read this guide (learn button) Right click the bottle again, you can now start a fire with it and the other materials. Have even less than the bottle or need to do it faster? Find those learn buttons (or read so you can one day say "OMG DAYZ SAVED MAH LYFE ROCKET I LAHV JEUH) Any furthet ideas?
  24. pale1776

    Learning, and an Incentive For Real DayZ Fans

    Yeah, ebola may make the jump, but I.think fear would be the downfall. And I dont mean click to learn, I.mean open the book to see you can make a fire/blood bag/ splint more efficiently. Ill quote my secondary pist in 60 seconds