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Everything posted by HatchetHarry

  1. HatchetHarry

    EU110 Admin abuse (?)

    Thank you for the apology, it's good to not see another internet-douchebag. I can understand you being unable to trust our argument completely as is the nature of arguments anyhow. I also understand how shitty it is to work your day away for a vehicle and get it taken away (as I was shot out of one ;) ) And glad this didn't turn into a giant flame war. In future if there's suspicion of any admin abuse then send me a personal message on this forum or some such. Thanks.
  2. HatchetHarry

    EU110 Admin abuse (?)

    I was the person driving the vehicle in question after you opened fire. Now, my half of this. We stopped to refuel at the pumps, as you said. I then logged out to check the beta patches (as the server routinely disconnects me, my theory was that my beta patch for the ArmA engine was a bit wonk). When I logged back in, I found my two comrades dead so I immediately got into the Off-road to make a get away. I made it a fair distance before coming under fire again and the tires blew out, after this I hunched down behind the car to return fire. At this point the red Desync icon greeted me and then I disconnected. Now, you claim the server had been restarted when actuality the server had crashed, I then contacted the Admin via skype and asked him to reboot it, we managed to connect for some minutes before being shoved off again, the server claiming it was running an earlier version of the game not letting us play, showing us the black screen "This server is running the incorrect blah blah etc etc." So I dropped out and waited until the server troubles blew over (it's worth noting that none of us could access the mod's website at that point also so we presumed that the central server was down) We contacted the server owner also to make sure who did not get back to us. Now, in the periods I did manage to log in, I found myself in front of the Offroad again, I got in and was shot out and died. Losing the vehicle (obviously gutted but that's just how the game is.) The fact is, we did not partake in foul play to save the vehicle, the server did crash and wouldn't let us (perhaps the select few of us was unable to connect but you were) connect so we reset it to fix the problem created another problem and lost the vehicle anyhow. We did not, in any way, cheat or some such to save the vehicle. We lost it to you anyway. EU110 crashes tremendously and crops up with issues all the time. If you do not trust the server do not play on it. It was a legit event and could of happened at any time. What's more is I DO NOT appreciate being called a sad fuck on public forums.
  3. HatchetHarry

    Day Z 24hr Challenge.

    Myself and my housemates recently graduated from a CGD Uni slot. And now, to celebrate we're undertaking this challenge (See attachments)
  4. HatchetHarry

    Day Z 24hr Challenge.

    We were thinking of a punishment for dying (groin kick) and Pain status effect (ear flicking continuously) But we don't want to kill each other actually in real life so we scrapped 'em
  5. HatchetHarry

    Day Z 24hr Challenge.

    Well in around an hour, depending on if we can get a stable play experience given the slew of hot-fixes around.
  6. I was bought Arma 2 and Arma OA by my other-half as a present, specifically so that I could play Day Z. And I am fine with that. I never got on with Arma games, since I work a hell of a lot (or did so when Arma 2 was hot-for-buying) I couldn't afford to invest the time into the game that it takes to get out the best enjoyment. But nowadays, that I have a more organized schedule and a team to help with work load I am able to invest the time needed for Day Z. I still doubt I'll play the Arma part since Day Z is just much more lonely, tense and such a greater feeling game.
  7. HatchetHarry

    Joining on friends.

    Day Z is superb playing on your own, very nice feeling of lonliness etc. But how do you play with your friends (presuming you don't have a home server) ? You're unable to join a friend's current server via the Steam overlay and I see no way to add a server to a favorite list or a way to grab a server's IP to paste to a mate. What methods do you use to play with friends from the server list. Any plans to add functionality to the server browser for such things ?
  8. HatchetHarry

    Joining on friends.

    Really ? That's excellent too. Is anyone else in agreement that it would benefit the game to have a Join Friends function, a Favourite Server function and perhaps even a way to mass-join with a group of friends.
  9. HatchetHarry

    Joining on friends.

    Nah not long, only playing them for 18 years and designing them for 3 to 4. What I was saying was that it would be a great addition to the game.
  10. HatchetHarry

    Joining on friends.

    All this sounds excellent. Currently me and my group of friends sit on skype and basically talk eachother into finding the same game. Which is not always successful. I think the Dev Team would benefit from a feature that allows you to join a friend's game.
  11. HatchetHarry

    Joining on friends.

    It's quite difficult to do so given the huge majority of the server list and the name filter. Do you think there will be any plans to extend the functionality of the old server browser?