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Everything posted by icrush

  1. While I'm eating the food or drinking water, I just spam the action key for eating , so my char eats all at the same time. BUT, I don't know if it does really work as I think.
  2. icrush

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Voted for a couple of country-found guns that find amusing. Just remember to fix the hopping and ghosting before implementing new stuff.
  3. Yes, i'm getting the same message too. I'm afraid of trying fixing it and my character disappear. Also, on the menu where we choose servers and etc, the background where my char should be is all white. Anyone getting this too? http://i.imgur.com/izrBiA1.jpg It's kind of annoying.
  4. icrush

    high graphics or low?

    we got almost the same specs, OP, the difference is that my GPU is GTX 675M, wich brand is your laptop?
  5. Yeah, I do like this idea, Looting pens, wallets, notes and pictures from the zeds would be awesome, being able to tell what happened with each of the zombies, finding tips and some ''don't forget to bring the milk'' notes would be a great attribute for immersion and the apocalyptic atmosphere of the game. It would take an quite big job to develop a good database to improve the variety of the loot.
  6. icrush

    [SA Suggestion]: Taking Cover

    Yeah, as Skat3rat said, it's kinda of unpredictable to know if your character body is properly under cover, but this resource of CROUCH TO COVER(not to shoot) and etc , do you guys have any ideas how it could fit to a first person gameplay without bring those problem i metioned ?
  7. icrush

    [SA Suggestion]: Taking Cover

    You mean that kind of cover used in most of 3rd person shooters, which you crawl and aim up quickly ? (like this : http://tinyurl.com/mtxdct7 ) I don't know, it's being discussed alot here about the third person view colossal advantage against the FPS view. I cannot see this fitting in a hardcore(fps view) server.
  8. icrush

    Fan boat

    nice suggestion :beans:
  9. icrush

    The woods/items

    I trust that the wild will be nicely improved, hasn't dean confirmed things like berries,nuts and mushrooms?
  10. icrush

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    hmm, thanks for the attention :)
  11. icrush

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I was hoping for something more accurate, I mean, I can't stand to play games with low(30) fps , You don't think I'll be able to run on high settings above that?
  12. icrush

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    i've asked in the other topic , but i'm asking again to make sure : how will this laptop run it in towns/fields/forest? i7-3630QM (6mb cache, up to 3.4Ghz) W7 64 bit 8gb ram ddr3 1600mhz 2gb gddr5 radeon HD7970M sata 3gb/s 500gb 7,200rpm
  13. icrush

    SA suggestion for zombie movement

    I am looking foward to see a lot of brand new animations and sounds to the gameplay,we can only put our trusts on dayz dev team. do not disappoint us!
  14. icrush

    SA:Throwable hatchet/machete.

    Have you ever tried to throw a knive/machete(and hit) on something before? Not to mention that piercing a moving zombie with it would not be fatal.
  15. icrush

    Leaving notes

    Notes (paper sheet + pen/pencil/charcoal ) would be such a unique feature, srsly, only good things comes to my mind thinking about these in the game.
  16. icrush

    Smelling Makes Scents!

    ahw, i saw that post too, i tought that was suggest by OP, my mistake. That is the stuff i meant i would like to see ingame. Imagine that yellow message popping up when you're about to open a door to a bathroom/house saying that you smell rotting flesh/zombies or a camp fire/cooking meat, it surely would change your mind , you'd take a second tought . This suggestion is pretty damm good .
  17. icrush

    Good Computer For Day Z?

    I would go for a gaming desktop , these specs are at the official website : Minimum: OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista Processor: Intel Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz Memory: 1GB Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 8600GT or ATI Radeon 3650 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c Hard Drive: 10 GB free space Recommended: OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Athlon Phenom X4 or faster Memory: 2GB Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 5770 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 896 MB VRAM DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c Hard Drive: 20 GB free space and if you mean the SA version, it will probaly run smoother than the mod, so these specs should be enough.
  18. icrush

    Smelling Makes Scents!

    I agree with some stuff Spork posted, it would add immersion to the game, exploring the smell to discover and realize the world around you, but affecting the PvP as you suggested is kind of too much.
  19. This all seems pretty awesome, If explored it would highly improve the crafting system, there's so many things of those you said that could be combined , and these random loot all around the place would make the scavenging harder and would add a great immersion to the game. btw, the only thing i kept thinking about the mirror is this : http://www.treehugger.com/sustainable-product-design/almost-invisible-mirrored-tree-house-built-in-sweden.html .
  20. icrush

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    1 - As said before, this would penalize people that play solo, bandit or not, players whithin a group would be OP. 2-I don't think this kind of UI is necessary, A while a go i did , but now after some interviews and thinking i realized there's no need for any desnecessary UI. 3- Again, a lot of people would be penalized . 4) Agreed in someway; 5) That would be nice, would give people a chance to create their own stuff. 6) This could be both good and bad, i mean, i'm afraid this could somehow increase the competitive edge of the game, etc) I'm not really sure, i'll have a thought on it. D)NO.
  21. icrush

    White flag

    If i had the intention to play as a bandit , i surely would use that flag to trick people out. > that's the kind of problem he meant.
  22. icrush

    SA Shoe idea

    You think that could be hand crafted? i don't think this kind of sneakers are that common , and the crafting of the same would screw even more a pair of normal ones.
  23. icrush

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Yous guys think I'll be able to run the SA at the highest settings? : I7-3630QM (6mb cache, up to 3.4 GHz) 2GB GDDR5 Radeon HD7970M 8GB RAM DDR3 1600MHz 500GB SATA 3Gb/s
  24. icrush

    Rope and Climbing

    Hmm it seems pretty cool, ropes\wires are pretty common in almost everywhere and the possible use of them for rappeling or climbing is pretty damm fine for me, I would love something like that in the SA.
  25. icrush

    Parachutes a lootable/ craftable item

    ''The requirement set by the United States Parachute Association says the main parachute for a D-License holder is 2000 feet above the ground. this give time to fix any malfunctions. Most main parachutes take 600 to 1200 feet to open. The reserve parachute can open in less than 400 feet. The reserve absolute minimum would be around 700 feet to land without injury. '' http://www.uspa.org/SIM/Read/Section2/tabid/164/Default.aspx I do not think this is praticable out of air vehicles.