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Everything posted by coldshooter

  1. Hello! We are DBZ, We are happy to say that our custom panthera server is now live! We have customized the map to make it much more fun and also much more interesting. We have placed these compounds at: East Airfield (Lesce) North Airfield (Arnoldstein) South Airfield (Smugglers Den) West Airfield (FOB Boriana) North West Airfield (Vatra) Each compound will bring with it a different environment for players to hide in or camp over! Some of our compounds come with barracks to make you get yourself geared quickly and easily. Here are some of the other things we use on our server to improve your game play: 200+ Vehicles Heli Lift/Vehicle Tow/Fast Rope 24/7 Daylight Remove Vehicle Parts NPC Patrols Self Bloodbag Zombie bait and exploding bait Zombieshield Remove clothes (Ghillie/Camo/Soldier) Animated heli crashes with custom guns/loot (G36 variants, SCAR, L85, M4SPR, etc...) Random Air Raids across the map (get a radio to be warned of location) Bi-Planes/PBX/C130J all have guns added to them! Vehicle Rearm and refuel points at keys areas. We also feel that active admins are important so we are always around to help you out; We may not be ingame but we will be in Teamspeak if not and we will try to help you out as soon as we can. Our website: http://deadbyzed.enjin.com The DeadByZed server teamspeak: Our server IP is: We hope to see you there soon, The DeadByZed team