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About JblSharklasers

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    On the Coast
  1. JblSharklasers

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    E3 impressions: Not cool... Yet I like the idea of jumping Zeds but we have serious mechanical issues regarding melee weapons to work out first. While I do not want to make the game easier, I also don't want to make the game harder which would make it nigh unplayable. Problem One-As it currently stands you cannot simply sneak up behind a zed and silently kill it with a melee weapon. If you get within melee range behind a zed no matter how quiet you are. It WILL turn around and bite your face off. This makes the game it very difficult for reasons previously stated. To put it simply: Guns are not for killing zombies. Yeah I said it. You know what? I really don't mind that at all. Only headshots are effective, ammo is rare, and the noise gives your position away to not only players but MORE ZEDS. To kill Zeds you must use melee weapons; therefore we need to be able to use them without shoving a long gun into a f*ing backpack.(or ditching a long gun because my bag is too small to fit it in...) Problem Two-Currently the common method for dispatching Zeds is to lure them into a building where they cannot run to use the very buggy melee weapons to beat them to avoid not only bleeding effects but also infection.I understand the Zeds walking in buildings is a bug, but to be perfectly honest, I don't know if I will continue to play if this is fixed before melee weapons are effective. I have a hard enough time trying to stay alive as it is. Not only are the melee weapons buggy, the Zeds themselves are buggy. Sometimes they are too close to hit, sometimes nothing happens when I think I should have hit them. Sometimes Zeds just jump around and say f*^# your machete and hit you anyways. I cannot stand getting hit because my melee weapons are ineffective, having to bandage AND use antibiotics, then immediately getting hit AGAIN for the same reason and having no materials to fix it. Antibiotics are so rare that once this happens I tend to hide my body and restart because it is almost impossible to play once you have lost enough blood.(I tend to find 3 blood bags, which I cannot use by myself, before I find one antibiotic in hospitals)Problem Three- Even when the Zeds are not jumping(bugging) around, even when my axe strikes my target, sometimes it takes up to three strikes to kill a Zed. This is not a problem, the problem however comes in when: The character you play runs for miles and miles and miles without stopping, if you are going to buff Zeds and have them jumping at me, running in buildings, knocking me down, breaking my legs, making me bleed, infecting me, sometimes from only one hit, I want my melee strikes to at least stagger if not stun them for even a split second. I want the Zed to KNOW it got hit with a freaking fire axe, machete or crowbar.Or remove limbs from them-Something- Anything that makes me feel like I am playing the hardened survivor that I amTLDR: I like this game and I think the Dev has done a bang up job so far but If these issues are not addressed and Zeds are buffed anymore before the ineffective melee weapons are fixed I WILL STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.