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About madflyingduck

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    On the Coast
  1. Date/Time: 6:50 What happened: I logged in and I was slightly clipped through the floor, I then walked out of the building I was in and i was still clipped through the floor. My guy does jerky 360 when I don't move my mouse and clips a few meters every time I walk despite being on about 30 fps. Where you were: Apartments at Cherno What you were doing: Waiting for a friend *Current installed version: 1.7.0 / Latest Beta *Server(s) you were on: UK8
  2. Got stuck in the fields. Tried to run back only to die of dehydration, lost an M4A3 CCO and a bunch of other stuff, I got some screencaps if you need. I would really appreciate my M4 back as it was a rare find. Player Id:15523462 Ingame Name:[sWSH]RedDuk Screencaps of: http://filesmelt.com/dl/arma2oa_2012-06-10_12-57-38-80.png http://filesmelt.com/dl/arma2oa_2012-06-10_12-59-01-61.png