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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. This game is, in my very oppinion, is one of the best and most gripping games out there at this time. But there are moments, one just happend about 10 minutes ago, that make me want to take my computer and throw it right out of the god damn window! Here's the situation: A friend of mine and me, both playing on DE 833, gathered stuff to repair an AH-6X. We had almost everything and headed up to where we found it, logged out and took a break to eat. Now it get's reaaaaaaaally fun, i can't even begin to describe how god damn hillarious it was. We -BOTH- (and i assume everyone else) relogged in - wait for it. Here it comes. Ah, not quite... almost there...THE WILDERNESS. But no, that is not the whole story. Some people crouching around, since "nameplates" are activated on that server i at least recognized one of them. But there was another one. A guy, not displaying a nameplate. Shot - dead - rage. And now here is my point. Apart from the very great work that you put so far into DayZ, and apart from the fun this game is. YOU NEED TO FOCUS! I mean, seriously, go to youtube and search for "dayz". About 90% of the results are about how to hack that game! Did you even notice that? And considering patches, providing some minor bugfixes and a lot of new stuff, animations, sprites or whatever: Is there REALLY need for new stuff when the old does not even work properly? In my oppinion new stuff is fine, but developers should ALLWAYS make sure that the fun or use of something is not spoiled by probably unforseen events. If this very situation was a bug, or a hack, i do not care. I have had enough! I Strongly suggest you focus on major bugfixed AND anti-cheat tools, or this game will soon die. And this would be a shame. So far. WarLib.