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About Kcinnick

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    On the Coast
  1. Kcinnick

    1.7.7 tents

    I first want to start by saying I love the new patch. Everything about it makes it more challenging and refreshing. I have been playing DayZ for over a year now and for the first time in a very long time I feel like its a brand new game. However there is one part of the new patch that I find to be a step backwards. One of the great parts prior to 1.7.7 was the tents in DayZ. Hiding tents was an art before and if you were creative enough you could have camps hidden for days and months at a time OR find other players camps that otherwise would normally have been overlooked. However with the new patch the ability to hide loot is incredibly nerfed. I agree that a tent hidden inside the wall of a house or under a lot of trees is rather silly and not realistic. But it did add to gameplay aswell as reward players who enjoyed exploring the map to find others loot. I am afraid with the new tent system it will be avoided completely.