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About LTK

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Paris, France
  1. https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam
  2. LTK

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Protesting for this it's totally useless. Okay 20+ cans it's maybe too many but 6-10 why not. Good luck with this community... Im waiting Dayz SA with impatience.
  3. It's a good news :) Thank you
  4. Few days ago, I testing this new map and I see a Chinook helicopter. You can see on my video @ 4:40 It's legit or hack ?
  5. Nice joke from Dayz dev
  6. LTK

    Cheater LU51

    Mr. Jack has being killed 3 times in 30 minutes by Fenris at NW airfields. Server: LU51 around 23:00 GMT+2 He come back 4 times with a sniper ( AS50 ) and ghillie. He use a teleport / speed hack. Our only proof is my video. (Nothing happens, but I have stopped before that Mr. Jack is dead.) My video start when Mr. Jack has being killed for the second times. And he kill me 12 minutes later. Fenris kill Mr. Jack for the 3 times and this cheater respawn 1 minutes later again... New records: 30 minutes for respawn, running at airfields and loot a sniper AS50. 4 times ! Unfortunately, my video not prove nothing, but fix this problem. Too many players hack..
  7. Same today 3 tents lost with stuff...
  8. Strange hacker & god mode ? Server: DE 27 Time: 23h00 GTM+2 Hacker name: Proof in video:
  9. LTK

    ArmA 2 Rcon 1.8.4 Released

    Thanks for the news but. 1.8.4 & 1.8.5BETA same error. 1.8.3 no problem.
  10. LTK

    Suspicious command

    I thinks. Ok thank you for the confirmation, I was not sure for this sequence without any names of vehicle.
  11. Hello, 30.06.2012 09:25:04: Sgt. Rediska ( cf0091976fa487141857b1990b54a263 - #49 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\gaga\veh.sqf"; 30.06.2012 09:38:47: Sgt. Rediska ( cf0091976fa487141857b1990b54a263 - #49 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\gaga\veh.sqf"; Hack or not ?
  12. LTK

    WAR in Elektro

    Stay on the subject, it's a game. Come to Elektrozavodsk for a fight to death around 21h (GMT+2). Have fun