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Everything posted by viperious

  1. Ok, hello there, i'm having an issue, for the past 2 weeks i have been trying play DayZ, i have ended reinstalling ArmA 2(Steam) and ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead(disk), now after reinstalling completely and getting everything updated, now i have just tried to join a DayZ server but for some reason just after loading in and getting into the lobby, it says "you were kicked from the game" i have tried 3 different servers with different outcomes, i have tried dayz chernarus and dayz mod servers, i have just tried a DayZ mission server then i got this message after being on a black screen for a while "Picture \z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa not found"
  2. viperious

    Getting kicked from every server i join

    me and my unit have come to the conclusion that battleeye is kicking me from every server for an unknown reason
  3. viperious

    Kicked from every server?

    im having the same problem DayZ commander doesn't even get me that far, i thought it was just DayZ, so i tried to join a different server on Vanilla ArmA 2 OA but it did the same thing
  4. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/10-support/ here is the problem i'm having, all the information you need is there, the thread hasn't been active since feb and no one replied to me on it, the guy got a solution but didn't say what it was
  5. Hey im having the same problem except it says im missing the .pbo i tried DayZ commander, i update everything i need to using DayZ Commander, but it still stops me from joining any server
  6. viperious

    Update 1.62 Error

    I was having the same problem, before i re-installed ArmA 2 operation arrowhead which i have on disk (ArmA 2 i have on steam) i couldn't play any DayZ servers, DayZ commander wouldn't work, the update for DayZ on six updater failed each time and PlayWithSix just had the same error as DayZ commander. I re-installed it yesterday and now while updating i'm getting the same error for 1.61-1.62 patch, now can you please tell me how exactly you fixed it becuase you have no idea how frustrating it is to be trying to fix a problem so i can play DayZ again for the past 2 weeks.