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Everything posted by Rhomeozon

  1. I am not sure if anyone has put this as a suggestion but, I think that you should be able to melee attack with guns, and instead of killing the zombie, it would knock them on the ground or push them back, or both! I think it would be useful in cases of getting away from zombies instead of switching to a melee and risk infection, and death.
  2. Rhomeozon

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    why not use defibulators to revive players? well, depending on their condition ofcourse
  3. Rhomeozon


    I would like to see a better way of getting infected, what about the longer you get hit, the bigger chance of you getting infected, I hate it when I get hit by a zombie once, then I get infected, then shortly die right after, it should be, if the player is getting hit by zombies for a certain amount of time, he/she will get infected, its just my opinion PLEASE FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR REPLIES IN THE COMMENTS :D
  4. Rhomeozon


    I just want a better infection system, one where you know you are about to get infected or something, not a one hit, one infection kind of thing x.x
  5. Rhomeozon

    [SA/Mod] - Natural Medicines

    I love this idea, natural medicine, use of crafting system, and use of herbs around the map, I really hope they add this!!
  6. Rhomeozon

    Infection Mortality and Surviving it

    I second this idea, I'm infected right now, and I have consumed soo much meat and bloodbags x.x and yet, no antibiotics found. I also hate it when I get infected in the first hit, it should be where if you are getting hit longer the bigger chance of you getting infected, so if you get high for a certain amount of time, you get infected