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About c313

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    On the Coast
  1. Yeah, lets just assume that everyone with a ton of ram is using it only for gaming
  2. Bump in hopes someone reads and knows my issue
  3. So I am having some file related issues when attempting to join a BR server, here is my issue below. When I attempt to join any Battle Royale server I get hit with this error after a clean install of the mod. After deleting those files I get this I go to my recycle bin and restore the BR Assets file, then I get this error that I am stuck on. I am downloading Battle Royale through Commander, unless I am missing something, I am pretty sure we shouldn't have to be removing files from the download. So can anyone shed some light on what I can do or help me out on to get this working without these issues?
  4. Okay so off the bat I am wondering what is the difference in version, for say. against 1.8 Reason why I ask is because I recently downloaded the Arma pack from Steam, got DayZ commander and installed the latest DayZ version, but when going into my fav server (gits #1) I kept getting a "running wrong DayZ version" confused i deleted the folders and Downloaded again, same gig. So this time I just went down to version 1.8 and VOILA it worked! Now I am wondering mainly what is the differences in these or other versions and why can I play on a server with an older one, but not play with the newer one?
  5. Okay so I have been playing dayz on and off for a few months now, never had any problems except for a key issue which I easily fixed However just recently I have been encounterring some annoying issues, first was some loadng screen file not found error which prevented me from logging in. Following the info on this post http://dayzmod.com/f...rs-please-read/ adding the stuff in for the launcher I was able to go into a server I frequent, but even then its like a 50/50 I will get into the server. I load in once, play, all is fine. Then I die and do the respawning process, and this is when one of the 50/50 things come in, I either constantly load and just exit / rejoin or It will load me back in no problem. Never had this issue before and looking around on posts I see a lot of recent topics with issues / helps regarding DayZ / Steam So again, did Steam do something that is causing some form of Errors with DayZ?
  6. c313

    NEW STEAM USERS! Please read.

    Im sorry if I sound like a noob but what exactly is a Startup launch parameter and how do I get to it to putt in those commands