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Everything posted by OfficerTravis

  1. The "Officer"clan is recruiting for a short time, we are looking for "Experienced" Dayz players,not only experienced in Overpoch or dayz gameplay "Mechanics" but can work as a team, Listen, Do what is asked and Not Argue. Those interested should be 17 or Above(sorry kids), Have played dayz "epoch" or "Overpoch" for at Minimum 2 Months, and have played Dayz For Bear Minimum 8 Months. Also, Have Tactical Know-How, I.E: Flank maneuvers, counter flank maneuvers, Support fire, CQC(close quarters combat) *Very smiled upon*, and skilled-somewhat skilled with a sniper (zeroing or not), and have fun but know when to take things seriously (Recording). We are a clan about having fun, and playing the games (we play more than dayz) we love, We have our own Teamspeak Currently with 7 slots left for recruits, and also a good dayz Overpoch server we play on. PM me (for faster reply) Or comment on this Topic, thanks for all who took the time who read this and in the meantime Stay Frosty. **-Ex-Military Members HIGHLY wanted-**
  2. OfficerTravis

    "Officers" Clan Recruitment.

  3. OfficerTravis

    "Officers" Clan Recruitment.

  4. OfficerTravis

    "Officers" Clan Recruitment.

  5. OfficerTravis

    "Officers" Clan Recruitment.

  6. OfficerTravis

    looking for a good server

    W.I.C.K.E.D normal dayz server is a good server, been playing there for awhile they have ai missions, post-nuclear atmosphere (the skype looks like a nuke went off 24/7) added in barracks, very good server.
  7. I'm looking for a partner or two to play some DayZ origins with, Preferably 16+ and have a good knowledge base of Origins and DayZ in general, Must be a mature player but I'm up for some good laughs even in serious moments. I have a teamspeak server of my own that we can use since skype makes my game lag. My Skype name is trav.hop add me,reply,private message me if you are interested and i will get back to you ASAP.
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a Partner(s) to join me on a Origins server to do some good ol' banditry with, As long as you are a mature DayZ player (no one under 16) I would love to join up, I have a teamspeak but if you want to join me ill message you the ip through here or over skype username: trav.hop tired of playing Origins alone and would love a couple friends to hit it up with me.
  9. OfficerTravis

    Looking for a Origins Partner.

    I have been playing origins for a few weeks now, and been playing dayz since it came out.
  10. OfficerTravis

    Looking For Partner(s) For Origins

    Notice how i said a partner or two. Stop with the clan spamming or you will be reported to a mod.
  11. OfficerTravis

    Looking for a Partner(s)

    Looking for a DayZ Origins partner, I have my own Ts so private message me, reply, Or add me on skype trav.hop I'm looking for a Mature player(s) so if you're interested add me or message me.
  12. OfficerTravis

    DayZ Origins Anyone?

    Been looking for a Partner(s) to play some DayZ origins with, If you are 16yrs or older and Mature, I have a teamspeak, Reply to this or Private message me.