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About Brian700

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  1. Brian700

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    @tickle: Script Restriction #41 means its the 41st rule listed in the file, not the 41st line. Each line that has // is commented out, and it doesn't count. If you go to line 41, and move up till you find the first line with //, it should have a + and a number at the end. This is how many lines you need to add to account for comments. So if, for example, the next one says +5, then you'll go to line 41, then count 5 lines down - the rule would be in line 46. Hope this helps.
  2. Here's an idea I just thought of that would help with the issue of people D/C'ing during combat, and would help with the Hive server differentiating between legitimate logging and alt+F4. In real life, your character isn't just going to stand there in the woods, in the pouring rain, waiting for you to come back, right? Why not implement a mechanic that allows players to build a lean-to or other temporary structure for shelter before logging out? It would be something that doesn't require any special tools (grab pine branches, stack against a tree), so even a brand new spawn can create a small shelter. If you could, say, disable the Abort option until one of these shelters is selected first, then it would help signal to the Hive that its a legitimate logout. And, if an Alt+F4 is detected (a logout without a shelter), then it would execute a 30 sec. timeout before the character disappears off the server and is saved, and a 2 minute login timeout for that player ID/GUID. I think that this wouldn't be that hard to implement code-wise, it wouldn't be difficult or time-consuming for legitimate players to do when logging out, and it would help differentiate between legit and non-legit logs, so that a timer could be used to prevent Alt+F4's. It would also add a touch of realism to the game. Thanks for reading, and let me know what you guys think - sound good, or no?
  3. So while browsing the serverconsole.log, I notice that every now and then there's an entry that says "RCon Admin #0 logged in" with an IP address. I know that if I am doing stuff with the server configs that will come up frequently, but this entry was during a time when I was sleeping, and no one else has access to the RCon tools for my server. So I'm wondering - does this mean that someone on the server is managing to "hack" into the RCon system and use commands while in-game? Or does the RCon tool have to reconnect itself, or log itself in periodically, etc.? Just wondering, because at the time of this one entry, a player had logged in to the server, and then in the createvehicle.log they had about 20 entries for Sniper1_ and Backpack_. Not sure if they're related to each other, as it seems a little suspicious, or if it was just a coincidence. Thanks!
  4. Brian700


    I've been having this same problem for a couple weeks now. I've been messing around with it today, and I believe I have found a fix for your Script Restriction #41. Go into your scripts.txt, and find the correct rule. For me, it's Line 43, which says this: 5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];" When I checked my scripts.log, the actual string that was being recorded was this: #41 "addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf"; object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_c" As you can see, the part with the equals sign is what's being detected, and triggering the kick. The reason is that in the scripts.txt above, the part that is supposed to whitelist this string has 1 space after the equals sign, but the actual code itself uses 2 Tabs. (In this post it converts it to spaces, but check your files and you'll see its 2 tabs) All I did was go into the scripts.txt, to Line 43, and replace the space after the equals sign with 2 tabs. It might space it out a little funny, but it's worked perfectly for me so far. Hope this helps explain a little bit about how it works, so maybe you can use the same methods to fix your other false positives!
  5. Correction: Apparently, in the server_console.log, it has the player in question logged at these times: 15:10:18 *** uses modified data file 15:10:18 Player *** connecting. 15:10:19 Player *** connected (id=********). 15:10:19 BattlEye Server: Player #5 *** (PlayerIP) connected 15:38:09 Player *** disconnected. 15:38:09 BattlEye Server: Player #5 *** disconnected Yet in the arma2oaserver.rpt, it has the person logged at these times: Line 72949: 15:30:16 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "playerID" *** " Line 72951: 15:30:17 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:70 (***) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ" Line 72957: 15:30:18 "LOGIN PUBLISHING: B 1-1-B:1 (***) REMOTE Type: Survivor2_DZ" Line 74435: 15:37:57 "DISCONNECT START (i): *** ("playerID") Object: B 1-1-B:1 (***) REMOTE" Line 74435: 15:37:57 "DISCONNECT START (i): *** ("playerID") Object: B 1-1-B:1 (***) REMOTE" So now, in addition to the stuff about grenades above, I am also wondering why the report file has him logging in at this time, but the console has a totally different time listed. I find it rather confusing, so if anyone could explain how that might occur I'd appreciate it. Thanks! Edit: Sorry, now I see the posts above. Thanks for the info!
  6. Hey all, I have a question. I was just looking through the logs for my server this morning, and saw some entries that are new to me. Can anyone with a little more script knowledge tell me whether this was a legitimate use or an illegal spawn? This was in the createvehicle.log: 04.09.2012 15:30:17: <Player> (PlayerIP) GUID - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 109:6 [0,0,0] 04.09.2012 15:37:13: <Player> (PlayerIP) GUID - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 109:96 109:4 [4713,2591,19] [-8,-19,10] 04.09.2012 15:37:25: <Player> (PlayerIP) GUID - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 109:101 109:4 [4712,2590,19] [-56,-56,-3] 04.09.2012 15:37:32: <Player> (PlayerIP) GUID - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 109:102 109:4 [4713,2590,19] [8,-74,28] Now I know that the backpack is probably from spawning in, and I know that the grenade is when someone is using one, but I wasn't sure about the HE or the Flare. And it seems rather odd that this person was using all of this only 7 mins after logging in, when it is their only entries in the createvehicle log. What is also a bit strange is that based on the server_console.log, they actually logged in at 15:10, and then logged out at 15:38. So the fact that there is 20 mins between them logging in and the logging of a backpack is rather odd. Can anybody with a bit more experience on this script advise? Also, on a side note, I see the DZ_Backpack_EP1 all the time, am I correct in assuming this is the regular patrol pack everyone starts with? Thanks a lot for the help!
  7. Brian700

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    So according to you I have no validity? I assume you mean that my opinion is invalid (which isn't even the correct word to use in that situation), even though I am a player of the mod, and am taking part in the community's forum. How can you even get off thinking that YOU can dictate who has a "valid" opinion on the matter and who doesn't? You're just another faceless name on the forums, another nobody who apparently thinks that money should be able to buy you extra rights or an advantage over somebody else - which, by the way, is usually frowned upon by many civilized people. The fact remains that this mod was developed FOR THE PUBLIC to use, and the servers are designed for PUBLIC use, which is why they (Rocket's rules) state that the servers must remain open, unlocked, and un-passworded, and individual players don't have to pay any sort of monthly subscription fee to play the game or play on any server. By paying to host a server, you do get certain extra options that other players don't have - you can select the options such as what difficulty, what options are turned on or off, you can schedule server restarts that keep the server cleaned up and functioning properly, etc. But being that the server is intended for public use, once you 1.) Put one player at a disadvantage over another, such as kicking them to allow someone else play time, or 2.) Giving one player a specific advantage, like holding a slot open just for them, now you have just crossed the line and violated the idea of being available to all the public by dictating who gets to play on your public server and who doesn't. Get the idea now? And furthermore, paying for a server isn't like going to the store and buying groceries - its more of a philanthropy thing. You're donating your cash to help pay for running a server, keeping it alive, FOR THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE. That's how it works - those of us with a good heart, and a few extra dollars to spend, basically donate so that the rest of the community has a working server they can use. The whole idea of "If u dont like it, get ur own server!!11!" is, to be honest, a statement of ignorance. Think about it - if every single DayZ player went out and bought their own server, we'd have way more servers than we'd know what to do with! Maybe 1/10th of them would have players, and many would just sit, empty. Or, everyone would play on their own server, and there would be essentially no multiplayer at all. The whole idea is ludicrous. Not everybody can afford a server, and not everybody who CAN afford one NEEDS to get one. Those people who have the cash and want to help contribute to the community by providing for others can pay for one, and for those who just can't understand that it's not "their" server, for whatever reason, just have to deal. P.S.Might I add that I most certainly could afford to pay for a server, if I so desired, so I am in no way using others, or as you put it, "freeloading". However, as I understand it, there is still quite a waiting list to get servers, and seeing as how they're not issuing many new ones I think that applying for one would be rather pointless at the moment, and would have a long wait attached to it anyway. Further, since I work 14+ hour shifts I wouldn't really have the time to be able to admin effectively. P.P.S. Rikta, I find your attitude toward others in this thread appalling. You seem to be hell-bent on aggressively accosting anyone who does not agree with you with non-arguments, insults, and inflammatory language. I have a feeling that when you start to feel yourself losing ground, you instinctively resort to insults as a way to rile up your opponent and get them off topic. I understand and acknowledge that you are entitled to your opinion on matters like the kicking and/or blocking from servers - but sadly, your view does not align with Rocket's goal of making a game that is available for all the public equally. You seem to believe that whoever pays for a server should have all rights to that server, and that is your opinion to have - but you need to learn that you are not in charge of this mod, and unless you can support that opinion with good reasoning or logic, no one on the dev team is going to listen to it. Whatever Rocket decides to do is what's gonna happen, and those people who want to defy him and do their own thing with his mod and his software are just gonna have to deal with whatever comes their way.
  8. Brian700

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I like the analogy with the couch, its spot on. Another one that I thought about is your cell phone plan. Sure, you buy your phone, similar to buying the ArmA 2 game and downloading the mod for it. But paying to host a server is like paying a monthly phone plan - when you sign up for a contract, you have to sign a paper basically saying that the company is not responsible for any outages or technical difficulties of the service. You're paying for the priviledge of admin'ing a server. If you quit paying for it, guess what happens? You lose service, same as with your cell phone bill. By paying for a server, you're agreeing to pay for the cost of running it each month, knowing full well that it's going to be open to the public, used by many people, and might not be available all the time. If you can't get good cell bandwidth to download that picture or song because the tower near you is overloaded with tons of other people, try calling up Verizon or AT&T and demanding that they fix it for you - I would bet they'd just laugh. Add on the fact that this whole mod is still quite new and has grown more rapidly than expected, and we should all be glad that we have access to as many servers as we do. Now, let it be known that I don't play in a clan, nor do I have any committed group - just a few guys I play with whenever there's time. I think that with the current issues of over-populated servers, giving ANYBODY more access to gametime than anyone else is wrong, regardless of if they want to pay $ for it. Although, personally I have never, in two months of playing the mod almost every day, experienced a single moment where I couldn't access a day or nighttime server because they were all full - but I do understand how some people COULD get that if they have, say, a big clan camp on one particular server and can't get on because its such a popular server. I don't actually have an ethical problem with reserved slots though, as long as they didn't count toward the total number of random slots, as mentioned earlier. In fact, the team could even expand upon that as a business opportunity. Example: You could host a 40-slot server, and if you chose you could pay for an extra 5 or 6 reserved slots max, at say $10 per slot. Or, you could upgrade to a 50-slot server and choose to get up to 10 extra reserved slots, at $8 apiece. Or even further, you could get a 100-slot server with the option of up to 25 or 30 extra slots, at only $5 per slot. (Or whatever prices sound good, just a hypothetical) I don't see anything wrong if some individual players with some extra $ want to pay weekly or monthly for ONE reserved slot on ONE server of choice, as long as its not pushing on available space for the general public. But if space is tight, then the slots need to stay open for everybody equally, on a first come basis. And if admins need to do something on the server that's fine, but they should be given the tools to do the admin'ing without having to actually log in to the game. If they want to get in and play the game just like everybody else does, then they should have to deal with the same issues that everyone else does as well, including WAITING.
  9. Surprisingly, I've never actually seen anyone running around DM'ing everything. Almost every encounter I've had involved sneaking into the same building at the same time and finding them. Maybe I'm just lucky with the servers I pick. I normally don't aim for the nearly full ones, rather ones that are < 1/2 full. I can see the pros and cons with having "survivor" and "realism" servers. Pros would be that someone can choose "survivor" if they don't want/like PvP, thereby satisfying the number of people who have a problem with it. Cons would be that people could abuse the "survivor" server to gear up for the other, or could use it for safe-travel; it would also detract from the intended feel of the game and significantly reduce the tension if we were to remove the threat of hostile players. I personally would stick to the realism server, just for the added thrill of a constantly looming threat. So on one hand, it would satisfy more of the player base and encourage more people to play, but it would also mean a breaking of some of the game's concepts and would lose much of the emotion that the game is intended to evoke. Tough call.
  10. I can understand the frustration with being PK'd again and again while trying to gear up. All the times I met someone in game, save for 3, I was shot at, and once I actually made it away alive. Heard someone in a barn, so I peeked around the corner, saw 2 people - one looked at me, hesitated, then shot at me with an 1886. Hit me, but I managed to get away while aggro'ing all the Z's in town. Dropped them all, bandaged, and I lived. Could I have been more careful? Sure. But it makes for an interesting story. That's the idea of the game - to let the player create his own experience and story. If you want to head into the wilderness with a crossbow and live like a mountain man, you can. If you prefer to group up with a gang and pillage some towns, you can. Unfortunately, sometimes you end up getting caught in the path of a roving gang, but it happens. And to take the "realism" tack, if this situation occurred in real life, you just might get ambushed in the dead of night while asleep, get your throat cut, and all your loot stolen. It's not something you can always prevent. The best you can do is take every precaution to not end up as prey. Whether that means being bandit, a shoot-on-sight survivor, or a cautious stalker type is up to you. At least that's how I look at it. I think if something like this were to happen, it would be pretty similar. You'd have a lot of nervous, scared survivors with twitchy trigger fingers, a bunch of gangs, cartels, etc., and a few who just go off the deep end and stand saluting on a smokestack for 2 hrs, till they get sniped by the bandits. It'd be pretty darn close.