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Igor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Igor (DayZ)

  1. Igor (DayZ)

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

    Wow dude you're disgracing a good friend of mine's religion? The amount of people still following the religion is dangerously low and if it dies out, we won't have anymore scientrologers around which will make him get beat up for following his views. Why can't people like you take something this special serious for once in their life? And DayZ is not just a game or just a mod, some peple LIVE FOR DAAYZi
  2. Igor (DayZ)

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

  3. Igor (DayZ)

    US #1357 Locked server

    Why would you care..
  4. Igor (DayZ)

    Limit newbie posts

    Stop trying to get staff. Lets go simple and 1 post every 5min until 20 posts. durp
  5. Igor (DayZ)

    how to stop campimg sniper bandits

    Are you kidding me..? You are kidding me aren't you. Okay so every fucking survivor was or is in the military... And DayZ is MW3? You've officially been added onto the list - http://dayzmod.com/f...ng-to-make-dayz
  6. Igor (DayZ)

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    Now people want everyone to have dog tags to claim a kill.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54360-how-to-stop-campimg-sniper-bandits/ MW3???!??! BF3?!?! fuck u
  7. Igor (DayZ)

    Slenderman Sightings!!!

    This was my attempt. Post your own SS with Slenderman in it.
  8. Igor (DayZ)

    if we have deer stands

    If we have deer stands with no deer. u serius?
  9. Igor (DayZ)

    Just a [Stream] looking for a ghillie suit.

    Watched it for a few minutes, lost interest.
  10. Igor (DayZ)

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    Yea but people are so into the fantasy RPG-style of gaming that they can't adjust to actual roleplay (not RPG).
  11. No point in server reporting since the staff doesn't really care about hackers now-a-days and because I don't feel like giving all the information needed to find out staff just /care's it. It was pretty funny. Never seen something like this before.
  12. Igor (DayZ)

    [Video] Run rabbit run!

    When you relogged, were you still a rabbit?
  13. Igor (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    http://i.imgur.com/jh361.png Rainbow on my thermal scope.
  14. Igor (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

    This is for memes not videos. There's a specific thread for that. durp
  15. Igor (DayZ)

    Catch on US 249 LA

    If you used the correct format I'm sure it'd be easier to get the guy lol.
  16. Igor (DayZ)

    Weird business on Cherno hill in US346.

    It was Chuck Norris.
  17. Igor (DayZ)

    Weapon Cache

    Nuclear weapons underground, all for it!
  18. Igor (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

  19. Igor (DayZ)

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    It's okay. jk
  20. Igor (DayZ)

    Super Beans

    Funny. tis sugestion fail
  21. Igor (DayZ)

    To prevent server hopping

    So if you join and there's a hacker in there, you're stuck only joining a hacked server the entire time..? sweeeeeeeeet!!
  22. Igor (DayZ)

    Camo Nets

    I've seen the suggestion before. Actually a lot before... Keep trying but I doubt it'll be implemented.
  23. At 1:10, you blended in with the ground so fucking well...
  24. Igor (DayZ)

    Found an "unusual item" help.

    An SS or video would be nice.
  25. Igor (DayZ)

    The Hatchet vs Crowbar Dilemma

    I like the idea of making them less spaces to take up, a bit sketchy with the other.