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About Nebucatnetzer

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Android, Fantasy, Metal, Gaming (RPGs, Ego- Shooters)
  1. Nebucatnetzer

    Build Rolling Update

    To bad that the dogs are not in the update. I'm really looking forward to that change. Rest is great though.
  2. Nebucatnetzer

    [Q] Getting kicked for non ASCII characters.

    Thanks for the answers. Hopefully I won't see this too much.
  3. I was today playing with a friend on a German server. DE 125 I think. At the beginning when we wrote with each other a massage appeared which said that something like "Only ASCII characters allowed 2 of 3 warnings." After some time we found out that this meant we weren't allowed to use ä ö ü. We were so into the game that we forgot it and wrote those letters again. When we expired the 3 warnings nothing happened so we continued writing the letters. Suddenly though I've been kicked. Because of the use of non ASCII characters. My main question is now why did this happen? Those character are essential to the german language and without them writing becomes a pain.
  4. Nebucatnetzer

    Please revert back to

    I don't think the connection problem has something to do with the patch. I reckon it's more likely that too many players would like join at the same time.