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Posts posted by OmgBrehNoWay

  1. I am definately going to try it out, no matter that it is public. RP should make it feel more realistic, or atleast that is what I hope. ;)

    I'm glad, as soon as private hives are widely available we will be switching.

    We're a fast growing community and are all into immersing ourselves in the apocalypse.


    Keep up the effort in trying to set up an RP server!

    Thank you very much, all are welcome in our server.

    We just prefer those who would like to immerse themselves in the game a bit more than most.



    Roleplaying Standalone

    Server rules:

    1. Stay in character as best as possible. If going out of character make sure to mention "out of character" in voice/direct.

    2. KoS is fine for now but as soon as private hives come out there will be guidelines.

    3. Do not metagame - for example being killed by a player and then telling your team mates on TS/mumble where the bandit is.

    4. Identify players via voice/direct text.

    5. There is no rule 5.



    W O W


    w o w

    It will be worth joining the server for the tears alone!!!!


    Please don't double post.

  3. Leave your server open mate, keep your server alive and player base growing, then if you feel the same once private hives are allowed then go that way.

    I still wanna see at least some people try and roleplay so I'll keep these rules as "guidelines" and hopefully people will be into it.


    unfortunately at the moment it will be very difficult to get any form of roleplay. it will be rare even on this server to find people that actually want to do roleplay, as most people will just see a populated server to have some deathmatch at balota 'fun'.


    please let me know when/ you have a server when private hives are around. i would love to join.

    I'll keep this server as roleplay to see how things turn out and once private hives come out I'll switch.

    Thanks for your interest nonetheless.

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  4. dc7nec.png


    Roleplaying Standalone

    Server guidelines:

    1. Stay in character as best as possible. If going out of character make sure to mention "out of character" in voice/direct.

    2. KoS is fine for now but as soon as private hives come out there will be stricter guidelines.

    3. Do not metagame - for example being killed by a player and then telling your team mates on TS/mumble where the bandit is.

    4. Identify players via voice/direct text.

    5. There is no rule 5.


    Please do your best to stay in character folks!

    Make sure to join the forums below.

  5. Well I'm glad you mentioned these points as like I suggested, I'd rather have a match-up system in which you can filter/friend those who are into the same games/mods and other interests as you. Essentially like a dating site but for team mates. A lot of these sites work by simply matching similar interests, Squad Hunter would be different in the sense that there'd be a rating system on "teamwork"/"friendliness", giving you a quick one look decision on whether or not you really want to play with or get to know that player.

    Squad Hunter is open to suggestions but overall a 'dating'/match-up service is the goal.

  6. What Is Squad Hunter?
    Here's the original thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140288-dayz-squad-hunter-easily-find-new-team-mates/

    The Future of Squad Hunter?
    The plan for SH is to create an app/instant messenger or 'dating' type site. Tumblr doesn't have the capability for such a future and will slowly be outdated and eventually closed.I am looking for help with creating an app/instant messenger or 'dating' type site, so if you can program/design a site or you think you can help in some way please leave a response below!

  7. sm98b8.jpg

    So I'm new to the forum here and not sure where to post this or even if it will be much use.
    But anyways, I made a Tumblr allowing people to fill out a simple form and submit it in order to find new team mates easily.
    I know stuff like that goes on here but I think it could still be of some use, plus the navigation would make it easier too.

    So without further adieu...
    There we have it. Please try it out and I'll be sure to keep it up to date and everything else.
    Any feedback on it is appreciated, the more constructive the better though. Thanks.

    The Future of Squad Hunter:
    The plan for SH is to create an app/instant messenger or 'dating' type site.
    Tumblr doesn't have the capability for such a future and will slowly be outdated and eventually closed.
    I am looking for help with creating an app/instant messenger or 'dating' type site,
    so if you can program/design a site or you think you can help in some way please leave a response below!

    Make sure to give us an up vote!
    Reddit Post

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