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About Broodyr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Broodyr

    Cannot play at all.

    I'm having the same problem. I hope someone has a solution, so I can try it today.
  2. Broodyr

    Sleeping Under Protection.

    If all it does is slow hunger and illness, what's the point? You won't be able to try and treat the illness or find food while you're asleep. The only real use it would have is while you're offline, but in that case, things like flare traps wouldn't help obviously, and it would probably be hard to get the materials to set up multiple layers of deadly traps all around you, so you don't get attacked.
  3. Broodyr

    Care Packages

    I was thinking of adding care packages. Not like what you might see in CoD, but with a certain amount of supplies (randomly generated?), including food, gear, some ammo, and maybe a pistol or two. They would drop from the sky in a random place (out of a plane going across the sky if possible, so people could know the general direction it dropped). One could be spawned every half hour, with a maximum of 5 or so in the map at any time, and each would disappear after being on the map for 1-2 hours. Of course those numbers are subject to change, I'm sure.