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Uncle Ruckus

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About Uncle Ruckus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Uncle Ruckus

    no more loot in military tents

    No there is three spots. I came across the other two by accident. i don't want to give all the information out for server hoppers, cause i want to snipe them tomorrow. But yes there are 2 of the "old areas" close to one another in NW, the other two are new.
  2. Uncle Ruckus

    no more loot in military tents

    I'll give you guys a Pity *Blank* cause you all look like bambi killing bandits to me, but there is still loot at the tents. Maybe not in the tents, at the tents there are 3 lootable area where ONLY THE LONG RANGE SCOPE SPAWNS IN. So if you guys are looking for a long range scope there still at the tents maybe not in them but at them. heaven forbid you have to look in *new areas for loot* that is just crazy talk.
  3. Uncle Ruckus

    Hackers in US 649

    I'm Really disapointed in seeing this thread after having such a good fight, no one alt-F4. These kind of fights are wut we live 4 in day Z, but to see a awsome fight end like this, where one group cries hackers after the whole fight is just pathetic. Let me set the whole senario out one more time like boston has. Our group of "Five" was running past electro at night and spotted a couple people in electro, someone in the school and others in the firehouse next to the church. Boston and Cory deside to go in and play bean bandit while three of us sat outside on the hills and spotted for them. Close quarters combat began in the dinner and as expected it went 1 for 1. After our 2 guys kill traded i ran down to go grab some of there stuff only to meet the same fate to kill trade with another one of your guys. as this point corry and boston are trying to get a good respawn back to electro to get there gear and made it back to there bodies before you guys, while your other clan tagged guy just sat in the school waiting to get his head shot off after throwing so many flare. everyone who died was respawning trying to get close to electro your group in included, and unfortunatly for you luck was on our side. But in real talk here. If you guys are going to roll around with clan tags and can't accept the fact that you can "lose" a fight to a bigger group with better equipment, maybe your not getting what DayZ is about. Its not about making "Clan" and making sure all your little "COD" buddies tag up to make people see how important you are, and how many " Beans" your hallin. I've got a news flash, the only time you see your name globaly is when you "die", not only does that make you look bad but if there anyone else on the server with that tag you just declared your whole groups location out. DayZ isn't a clan game its a survival game, don't walk into into South central unless your ready front. You have no screen shots, no video and you still had the nerve to cry hacker. no wonder your clan is called [lulz] cause no one can take this thread seriously, just wasting mods time. PS: i was Jeffrey Dahmer if you are confused.
  4. Uncle Ruckus

    Add Radios with Frequencies

    As of now there is no really way to chat with voice without broadcasting your voice to the whole server which will get you a quick reply "shut up your lagging the server." But alpha is alpha and a lot of things are being added and changed. so i was wonder for a solution for said chat would be to be add radios in the game. make it as spawned loot but the cool thing about it is you can set frequencies to set your group chat on. the nice part about this if you are said bandit and are in a town look for your next victim, you could scan for said frequency. but for now I'm not sure if this is idea is possible in Arma 2 but it was worth a shot.
  5. Uncle Ruckus

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck out in wilderness Name: Uncle Ruckus Played ID: 19800966