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About DeathBySausage

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. DeathBySausage

    inside building in sa?

    Nice I recently started playing on an epoch server didnt know that would work....still trying to get all the features down
  2. DeathBySausage

    inside building in sa?

    Sweet thanks...is it just safes or would my tent/wire idea work on a epoch server?
  3. DeathBySausage


    Oh im sure others have brought it up and yeah excatly how you described would rock....hard to locate cause small entrace but worth it
  4. DeathBySausage

    inside building in sa?

    Or if you where to like wall off a house out in the middle of no where and put a tent inside for your storage
  5. DeathBySausage

    inside building in sa?

    I really wanted to take over one of the castle towers I think putting a tent on the middle level and then fencing off the entrance and making it enterable by heli only but you cant place items inside...will this be the same in SA? I know there is tons of info on SA but couldnt find this specificly.
  6. DeathBySausage


    I dont know if this is something they could implement in SA or maybe you could create custome buildings look like hills and function as caves...I know nothing about that stuff lol
  7. DeathBySausage


    I also think that have a lot of small or medium caves with a couple large could really add to the emersion of the world....right now the only reason to explore the wilderness is to find a place to hide gear, this could give a whole new reason to explore the world
  8. DeathBySausage


    I was just talking to a friend about dayz and how I set up camps with some tents and fencing...he pointed ouy how cool it would be to have enterable caves in the game. I personally think it would be really cool to put a few tents in a small cave and fence it off...what do you all think?
  9. DeathBySausage

    I Don't understand this...

    Yes on a basic server finding supplies and roaming around is about it although in doing so you can have some amazingly fun adventures (close zombie calls or player interaction) I would also urge you to find someone you can play with as yhe game is much more fun imo when played with at least a partner. Also you can consider other mods like epoch or origins which offer things like base building and economy for trade with npcs. But those I would hold off on until you really get the normal mod survival down
  10. DeathBySausage

    Will standalone see DayZ Origins like features?

    I know sa will have cool new stuff like the architecture and some visual upgrades and better inventory. ...however with mods like origins and epoch and now better visuals with arma 3 dayz I feel like SA is doomed to failure because he is wanting to keep it so much like bland dayz with only small features that are made to look huge....what I mean by that is yes the new invintory is a big deal to me cause I hate current one but that isnt going to add hours of playability. ...yes there are new buildings to search but all that adds is instead of walking into a you walk into b....the only way sa is going to make it is if they move forward not just regurgitate the same tired crap....to me sa has a lot of good things to it but with all these mods with better features and other zombie games coming out I feel sa is doomed
  11. DeathBySausage

    Better graphics

    And they have released a dlc for it that gives near photo realostic graphics
  12. DeathBySausage

    Better graphics

    I have yet to play a game on it that I couldn't run with max graphics smoothly
  13. DeathBySausage

    Better graphics

    Amd phenom II x6 1100t 3.3ghz 8gb ddr3 Amd radeon hd 6900 im pretty sure its 2gb card
  14. DeathBySausage

    Better graphics

    Lol at work let me remote in and get specs
  15. DeathBySausage

    Better graphics

    Excellent this was excatly the info I needed...thanks