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Everything posted by Zentrom

  1. Almost everyone who played Dayz for some time got killed by a sniper from nowhere, and it's a bit annoying that you don't know where your murderer was,and what he "looked like". I think it would be better that when you die, your murderer gets zoomed in for you for a few seconds, to know where he was. This could be applyable to the mod and the SA too... Here's an example what I'm thinking of...i only played Arma Cold war yet from the Arma series,so I don't know that in the other single player "episodes" is the same or not: This is the only video i found... The game looks a bit old,and the video doesn't have the best quality either,but i think you can sort out of it what am i thinking of... 1.If you get killed by a gun,then the murderer gets zoomed in. 2.If by a car,then the car. 3.If you fell off a cliff then you get zoomed in. I haven't seen this kind a thread in here yet,but if there is one, then I'm sorry :D