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About Hazer2434

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Chernarus. Where else?
  1. Hazer2434

    Do you just kill anyone you don't know?

    I'm very friendly, try to be a hero most of the time, but i'm very cautious around people. Bandit? Kill. Point's medium to high powered gun at me? Kill. Someone close with a hatchet? Sorry, but kill. You get the idea. Some think of me as a bandit but i'm not. I'm just really careful about the people I play with. But when it comes to my base if I made one. If you are closer then 30 feet of any one of my walls. You will die.
  2. Hazer2434

    Trouble playing DayZ on another computer.

    I'm saying it again, if your gonna post something about saying I shouldn't hack, or stop hacking, just do me a favor and screw off. If you don't have anything useful to contribute, no one cares. I've never hacked and hacking is a horrible thing, I leave any game with a hacker in it at the first sight, I hate hackers and hacks in general, now, could someone please contribute something good or helpful?
  3. Hazer2434

    Trouble playing DayZ on another computer.

    Stop hacking...? I already told you, I never hacked DayZ once, it ruins every last bit of fun in the game and ruins it for other people, I play singleplayer on my laptop due to not being able to play servers due to immense lag and switched to another computer to play servers as of it runs everything so much faster, upon trying to play tavania for the first time, up opening that ban notice popped up and I couldn't join any game at all. Now, how about you stop being a smartass and listen, I never hacked, and I need help.
  4. So, as the title says I have been having trouble. I went to go play on another computer in my house and I installed ArmA2/OA. I installed Play with six to install DayZ, and Commander to install Tavania and the patch, no matter what DayZ I play it says, "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Global Ban #5e539c)" It's really starting to annoy me and I can't do anything, I never hacked so I don't know why it says i'm banned. Can anyone help me?