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Posts posted by RizzNation

  1. Server: DayZ - dontest US (v1.7.7/build 103718) Time:2:00 EST What happened: I joined the server around 1 pm est from where my teams little set up was. We had 6 tents, a AJ LB, and Mi8, and a Ural all filled with valuable loot and medical supplies. before I got on, I received a Skype message from my friend chaosbman that he said our heli's and Ural were gone. So I though that it was just because we didn't save them properly. As the time went on while I was playing, I went back to my camp and store some more loot I found. When I was about to logoff, I see a player to my left behind a tree looking at me. So I got up and ran and acted like I didn't see him. I ran into the field next to our camp and waited for him. All of the sudden, he just appears in front of one of the tents. I had enough time to switch to my DMR and shoot him twice in the head but then he disappeared again. , strangly not dying. When that happened, I heard footsteps beside me but I couldn't see him, next thing I know im bleeding out. So im trying to patch myself up and gain blood when I see this tractor coming from up the hill towards our camp. next thing I see is the player hop out and set the tractor on fire and explode it. So, I tried to talk to him and I put my guns away so he can maybe heal but he kills me by exploding me into the air and letting me drop. His username was: Boyman3793 (I know this because he said he was talking to me about how he took our vehicles and loot from our camp, trying to say he wasn't a cheater or anything) In the end, I was pretty mad, but I do not know how to make proof for this game... I just checked back to the server at 2:41 EST to see if he was still there, but he is gone... This is depressing. It took me and my friends Chaos all night to repair these vehicles and find all this loot from the heli's and towns/cities. So, all im asking is for some justice, please.
