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Everything posted by mlewis1969

  1. mlewis1969

    Dayz Standalone Graphic Guide for better FPS

    Thank's for sharing Z4NN1N
  2. Will these tools work on a Wasteland server and if so, how?
  3. mlewis1969

    US 888

    would this be a script as well: 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:4 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:6 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:187 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:189 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:4 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:23:09: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:6 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 33:187 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:44:04: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 33:189 [0,0,0] 31.08.2012 04:45:48: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #119 "e setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0]; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\MiniMap.sqf';" 31.08.2012 04:38:50: kai ( 1538dfa27297f449b75df621ecd9381a - #119 "qf" private ["_amm"]; _amm=_this select 4; _this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _amm >> "muzzleEffect"))" ???
  4. mlewis1969

    L85A2 AWS

    I have a range finder & gillie suit for L85A2 AWS
  5. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build

    you're an idiot for insulting me, slow down on the insults and "kill" the player and stop complaining about other people disconnecting when It's probably you're aim that let him get away. And I bet you're the one that's disconnecting to get away.
  6. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build

    My friends server was going down because he didn't have the support to sustain it (the server) and I wanted to relocate my tent to a new server which meant I had to log into one server and back into the other to transfer all of my gear and equipment from one tent to the other in another server. Does this mean I'll have a bad reputation just because I wanted to bring my gear to the new server (I did not use Alt+F4)? I think banning would be a little harsh and Is there any other option on the table other than "banning" players? Hell, just kill the ATL+F4 guys with "well placed shots" and there will be no more of it. I just don't understand why people are complaining about the disconnecting player that got away. I just think the care bears need to learn how to aim.
  7. mlewis1969

    High loot ship off the map

    that's a great idea Goon but only one? more like two or three of them...
  8. mlewis1969

    Wish List

    Laser Sights Molotov cocktails Pipe bombs Bile bomb / smoke bomb (use them to your advantage in a hoard attack or toss them between you and your attacker/s) Exploding gas cans, oxygen tanks, propane tanks, exploding barrels, cola 6-packs, working coke* machines, bayonets, shields, fire works. Zombies drop ammo (I run out of ammo after a couple hoard attacks, a few more rounds would not hurt) Turn the power on in Chernarus Working barbwire to keep the zombies out The ability to carry two packs (one large and smaller or smallest one inside of it) for a larger capacity to carrying things or hide them in forest like tents for stashing your gear or gear for a friend. or just being able to pick-up there pack and carry it in my pack would be a dream come true. http://img341.images...61305340837.png A day and night time server for people that work long hours Ammo Crates / Ammo boxes (with every type of ammo) Defibrillators / Shock Paddles (will only bring VIC back to life) Claymore Mines Zombie eyes that glow white in the dark (so we can see them first). Make the M1014 & 1866 shotguns fire the same ammo Jet-Skis Attack Dog ATV Quad Bikes The option to flip quad bike back over after a roll over The option to siphon gas from other vehicles, remove tires, engine, windshield glass and other things from other damaged vehicles Camo Faces camouflage smock's (to keep the rain off and help blend into the surroundings) Item: slot count in item description (can't tell how many slots an item will take-up in inventory/backpack). NVG's and GPS for night time battles (way too hard to find, too rare). Add gilly suit and make skins loot-able items so we can loot them from dead bodies Zombie spawn radius seems to be broken, I cant tell if there are bandits and survivors in the town or if I triggered the Z-spawn myself. Whats the zombie spawn radius in meters? I don't know... Change debug area to Insel Skalisty Island (137/124) Different factions so that when we kill each other, we can capture there clothing/custom skin and infiltrate there ranks. So, custom/customizable skins will be the faction you choose (will also slow down some of the useless killing by having different factions to belong to). Change temp values from 42 Celsius to 98.7 Fahrenheit (normal body temp.) rifle butt-stroke and bayonet Malay animation: http://edu.glogster....54/30035412.jpg (if zombies can hit us, we should be able to hit them back). canned goods= 200 blood count, cooked meat= 600 blood count & chicken= 800 blood count, rabbit= 1000 blood count Back-packs on some of the military zombies I want to hear and locate animals by sound at night A working Train that goes up and down the coast. One that can be stopped and boarded by standing @ a train station (train with zombies on it). Working parachute (cant jump out of the helicopter w/o killing myself). new loot item images like: spare ribs beef ribs pork ribs bacon plucked chicken churche's chicken box (three piece chicken dinner) popie's chicken box kentucky fried chicken box lamb chops tenderloin milk pork chops stakes rib tips pork roasted rump :) This list is only going to get bigger. If I get any more bright ideas I'll append them to this list. Anyone else reading this post, please feel free to add your own.
  9. mlewis1969

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I love it when people I'm clearly not referring to, who have nothing to do with it because, you know, they hadn't said anything regarding the topic of discussion, take the time, go out of their way even, to take offense and make non sequitur snide remarks. Yep, that's even better. NO COMMENT...
  10. mlewis1969

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    rocket: can we just keep our slot count, it's small enough as it is. and just use a new rifle butt-stroke and bayonet Malay animation? like the , just make butt-stroke animation, that way we can keep what we have instead of trading guns for malay weapons or loosing primary and secondary slots, please.
  11. I think it might not be a bad idea to have zombies gain interest in a spot instead of identifying a player's location when they hear someone. The zombie AI should be changed so that sound will attract zed, but only a direct LOS with a player will make them attack. I can see where you're going with this idea and I couldn't agree with you more. The zombies slowly migrating towards the sound source but not attacking the skillful survivor avoiding the zombies line of sight. Only thing is, this is not the "Bug Reporting" section (sorry I had to say it).
  12. mlewis1969

    Admins IRC/Groups

    mIRC info: irc.GameSurge.net, #DayZ
  13. mlewis1969

    Bandit changing

    whats the name of your group 1337matty?
  14. mlewis1969

    Wish List

    Beautiful Oktyabr, those are some great suggestions. I would love to see some of them (if not all) implemented into the DayZ Mod.
  15. mlewis1969

    Pics of Dayz Worst Moments

    I need to check my rounds because I only have 18 or so, I think. Doing a head count, 1, 2, 3, Lol
  16. mlewis1969

    Road Mile Markers

    :idea: Road markers would be a great new way to navigate in the dark. Could even put them on the RR tracks as well. Or how about English translated street signs. You know what else would be great? If someone did all the skin work and uploaded them here to this thread. :D
  17. mlewis1969

    Road Mile Markers

    I think I found something useful called: Swedge's Star Navigation Guide. The file is larger than 1024 kilobytes (6.64 MB) so I can't upload it to attachments but you can get it from the armaholic web site, just do a search for "Swedge's Star Navigation". It shows you how to navigate via the stars.
  18. mlewis1969

    Wish List

    that was a type error sorry. kids spilled something on the keyboard :blush:
  19. mlewis1969

    Wish List

    I'm not sure what game you're playing but I don't think it's DayZ. wow, sounds like your not liking my ideas. how about coming up with a few of your own. and yes, I'm talkin' DayZ Mod here. motorcycles (two person) fit smaller packs into larger ones (allow for more items in backpack) boats (faster travel up the coast) three drinks from a canteen instead of one a working coke* machine would be realistic right? p.s. these are just ideas, i'm not trying to create another left4dead
  20. mlewis1969

    Road Mile Markers

    Good point, Soviet Union (former Soviet Union) and US are different.
  21. mlewis1969

    I love this mod

    I feel the way you all do about this mod, it's great! In fact, I'm not playing anything else till arma3 comes out. This mod is magic and that's all there is to it, keep up the great work.