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Everything posted by oompah

  1. oompah

    November Round-up

    rare locked cabinets or rare secret cellars in some old farm houses (might have to kick open the floor hatch) or whatever - if these things were rare and valuable and required some work to get at - much like a scripted chopper crash site, that would add to the fun and discovery of the game. Someone called them treasure chests and I think that is a good analogy.
  2. oompah

    November Round-up

    thing is though we are talking about a game, not real life. There are reasons you can fly a helicopter in a game or bandage a 30 cal gunshot wound with a bandaid or run for 5 miles without stopping. You guys all crack me up with the ultiamte realism, immersion comments - any game is about fun, plain and simple so to that end game makers need to add elements that are fun, balanced, rewarding, etc... If you want to blast open a padlock with an axe go to walmart and buy the stuff you need and knock yourself out.
  3. oompah

    November Round-up

    man I like h3l1x's idea more and more - some loot is free and easy to get at and other potentially more valuable loot is locked up and would require a door to be broken down or a lock to be opened/destroyed.
  4. oompah

    November Round-up

    I like the idea of locked cabinets, lockers, etc... no matter though if anything like breaking into "locked" areas is ever implemented, it should be a process that obviously disarms the players (making him/her defenseless while attempting to break the lock), take some time to try and have a percent chance to fail (and possibly destroy the item using to try to break in with) and make noise (possibly even attracting zeds)
  5. oompah

    November Round-up

    I thought the chopper crashes were a good example of non player driven missions, which they basically were. A great little challenge with a nice reward potential. They also funneled people to spots and created drama that way too.
  6. oompah

    November Round-up

    well I guess you could say the same about zombies - they are just scripted events in the game, not player driven content. Like I said it depends what you want this game to be; if you like the action/adventure aspects then you might be drawn to the missions - and i agree if they ever were created they'd have to be authentic and make sense in the content of the world. A mission could be an announcement over the radio that an aggressive horde is running loose in Vybor destroying the town, if you stop it you might find some valuable loot there - just kind of spittballing now, but I think some people got bored with the mod and that's why so see so much more player created content being added in the mod/mods.
  7. oompah

    November Round-up

    ...and the game is much different than wasteland imo - it sounds like guns are going to be rare and the focus will be on surviving (fending off zombies, disease and starvation). Much different than wasteland. I think getting news broadcasts over the radio that tip you off to potential loot stashes might be a cool way to get people involved, funnel players to an action area and break up the down time. Like I said though, it depends on what you want out of this game. if you just want a literal survival sim then you won't like those things, if you look at the game as more of an MMO-survival game and appreciate the action adventure parts you will.
  8. oompah

    November Round-up

    well if you were worried about "missions" being immersion breaking you could have them announced over the radio and only people with radios can hear about it. I mean thing is it is a game and the whole thing is immersion breaking, you're a t akeyboard and a mouse - the whole immersion topic is lol to me when it is taken so literally.
  9. oompah

    November Round-up

    I guess it depends what you want to get out of the game. But I 100% agree if you allow areas to be secured they need to be able to be breached somehow, but that should require an investment and risk as well. I saw in epoch they have random missions that pop up (i think this is how it works) - so you are playing and a notice pops up saying "bandits have overrun the north east hospital (or whatever). Players can then go there and try to free the area and it successful get some rare loot. You could go a million ways with that idea but I thought it was a good idea to give players tasks like that to break things up. Like I said it's all what you want to get out of this game and think it should be. And you couldn't troll with locks and keys (working in numbered pairs perhaps) if you limited their existence per server and reset the pair when one or the other got destroyed.
  10. oompah

    November Round-up

    at the same time with the lock and key solution you may find a dead body with a key - say there is a rumor of a building up north locked with loads of loot, do you risk a journey up there at night with your newly found key to try to bust in? Trying to breach the lock with a weapon should attract loads of zombies and alert other humans, making the whole process very interesting. Are players hiding near this building waiting for the owner to open up, then ambush him in my mind this entire long term storage question invites a whole ton of exciting game play potential
  11. oompah

    November Round-up

    However they end up allowing buildings to be "secured" they need to allow them to be breached - because like someone said you don't just want people hoarding resources and jamming up the server or denying other players access to them forever. They need a balance, if players can only use tents for storing items (or cars) and those tents/cars aren't secure people will stop using them, if they are 100% secure then we have the problem mentioned above. So how can you make long term storage more secure than tents and cars and less secure than locks and codes etc... You can add locks into the game - maybe the owner has to carry a key to open it and maybe there is some chance to break a lock with a crowbar or axe, trying to bust locks must be risky, creating lots of noise and have a chance of breaking the item without breaking the lock. Or some very heavy duty camouflaged areas that can be hidden well with a small footprint. To me this is a really critical part of the experience and I hope they can figure out a way to make it worthwhile and useful but not over powered.
  12. oompah

    November Round-up

    I don't know for sure but I would expect there are some longer range plans to make buildings a bit more useful. Things like being able to lock doors and build barricades. It would be really cool to find that little building and see there is a padlock on the door. maybe you could hack it off with an axe (which would create a lot of noise), maybe that would break that axe and fail - who knows. But it would add a layer of discovery, to me that is what the game is all about. (especially if you could look in a window and see some rare loot or a tent inside the building) If you think about the size of the world and the fact building can climb vertically and add tons of new square footage in that regard; you start to wonder about the possibilities with buildings and the impact on the server to keep track of potential bases inside of buildings. I mean technically they could add a building that only takes up a 10 x 10 footprint on the ground but climbs 20 stories straight up with a tent full of loot on each floor. It will be interesting to see how they progress with bases
  13. oompah

    November Round-up

    lol there is no conspiracy and no one is out to hurt or lie to you. Originally the group was going to clean up the mod and release it as a stand-alone game and then they decided to remake the game from the ground up. I think it's fair to say they underestimated the task and it is taking longer than they thought. That just is what it is, no one is lying, this has nothing to do with Warz etc...
  14. oompah

    November Round-up

    come on fixing up a car was an awesome mechanism in the original dayz. Why? Because it was rare and valuable, a total win/win from a game design standpoint. The things I loved about "early" dayz were things like trying to fix a car, or finding a hidden cache of tents, stumbling into a crash site, running into other players, or exploring a northern military area. Those were the reasons I would spend 30 minutes walking. That's the cool thing about a true sandbox game everyone picks their favorite way to play it. I always found eating and drinking to be a nuisance task. To me personally, the game was less about being a survival sim and more about being an unscripted adventure.
  15. oompah

    November Round-up

    re: boredom If there is a lot of discovery in the game, aka lots of new things to find and those things have meaning, then you won't get bored as quick - assuming the game play is fun / not repetitive. If avoiding zombies becomes a chore for example, the entire game could fall apart. So if you are still finding new items, new things to do months into the game and the core parts of the game aren't painful then you probably wont get bored. When I play on some of these mod servers with 500 cars and a full load out to start with I get bored real quick. At the same time in one of the patches the zombies were really tough and you would get infected real fast, that also got very stale fast. Gotta strike that balance.
  16. oompah

    November Round-up

    it's all about properly managing your expectations. When the early access is opened up the game will be in a state very far from what average joe dayz mod player will want and it will be very far from what Rocket and his team will want. The reason to open it up will be to see how well the core stuff will work in scale and to get feedback. My guess is a lot of people will enter this phase with unrealistic expectations and that will cause them to not enjoy the game as much - I bet we'll hear a lot of "the mod is better" I would expect the early access release to be a real shot of adrenaline to the team and you'll see pretty big gains pretty soon after this - the 6 months after early access will probably be the high water mark in rapid progress. hang in there manage your expectations and you'll be fine
  17. oompah

    November Round-up

    [–]byvELTEN[S] [score hidden] 4 minutesago its very slow but its coming and this will be the best quality 1080p no compression(just compression from the recording device), but i think it will be around 4 hours i am sorry for the time delay, the upload is at 7% on youtube 2GB file
  18. oompah

    November Round-up

    he was in chat right after the stream was over and on reddit also saying he is currently uploading the video - he just posted on reddit saying it was a 2 GB file and was 7% uploaded.
  19. oompah

    November Round-up

    this dude is supposed to be uploading the stream soon https://www.youtube.com/byvelten
  20. oompah

    November Round-up

    was the stream recorded? Where can we go watch it?
  21. oompah

    November Round-up

    well I believe the dev team has very large plans for this game. I would say the early access release will barely scratch the surface of their vision. You know, hardly any guns, no vehicles, etc... They want to get the framework in place to support these things and some limited/core amount of functionality ready for testing but that is it. Whoever gets in early access shouldn't have any great expectations. However I bet if the game is at least fairly successful at release the next 6 months will bring a whole bunch of updates, changes and improvements.
  22. oompah

    November Round-up

    well here is the thing with the release. At this point they are just trying to get the game to be playable; don't confuse that with "fun" or "feature rich" or "deep" or anything else. wherever they are in those regards is, well..., where they are, and that probably doesn't mean a whole lot, Sure it's great if the early access release is balls fun but that isn't their goal. They want to get a stable version of the game out so it can be tested on a large scale. I am sure they will learn a lot and the development of the game will accelerate greatly once this happens. So I would guess Rocket and his team are very eager to get this early access build out and into players hands because they know the process will get kicked into high gear once this happens... unless the build is so broken that doing that would actually be step backwards. Only they know when they feel comfortable that isn't the case. If you understand that then you can take a deep breath and fully understand they want the early access build out the door as soon as humanly possible, but not at the expense of the process.
  23. oompah

    November Round-up

    they should do the mechanism like in the move the world war z - where zombies lose interest in weakened humans. So a group of zombies gang bang you but they stop after you become "unhealthy" and leave you alone to go crawl away and try to heal.
  24. oompah

    November Round-up

    The problem will be if you burden the experience with trivial tasks that server minor or repetitive purposes it will get annoying very quick. Especially when considering there is so much to do that is fun and so many areas to explore. If you have 10 straight hours to play each day then it might be ok, but the majority of players will want to get on and have a fun experience within 20 minutes or so - and since fun comes from simply exploring I think the game can deliver that as long as the player is not overly burdened with item jockeying and fighting against the ui to do things like look at a compass.
  25. oompah

    November Round-up

    One area that bothers me and I imagine they struggle with is how far to go with realism. When I have my compass out or any other navigation tool; it should just anchor down in the bottom right hand corner. With so much to do in the game there needs to be a level of convenience with mechanics like this - it will get frustrating really fast having all of these "you can't do that - you have something else in your hand" blockers. If I want to drink and I have an item in my inventory, let me right click and say drink, not jockey items in and out of my hands. I don't see any "fun factor" in these exercises. For me the fun lies in exploration and discovery and the organic tension created by player interactions. There is a subtle line between actions and rewards. Fixing a car or cooking food is a very big reward and a fairly rare occurrence, so it's fun to have to jump through some hoops because it's worth it, but common tasks (like looking at your compass or drinking) need streamlined even at the risk of immersion imo