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About ThinkPositive

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ThinkPositive

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    For me it's like before 1.7.7 it was easy mode, now it's hard mode, and I definitly love it :D I get (back again) that special thing which made me love this game > "Finaly a game made by hardcore gamer for hardcore gamer, and not the usual commercial casual shit we've got all around (getting sick of it). Finaly a game with true difficulty like we used to have 10-15years ago... And if I remember well, at start it was kinda like "The more frustrated the player gets coz of difficulty, the more happy Rocket was", and he was totaly going the right way! (Sry about my english... not my native language :P) NB : I know that a few (a lots?) of people won't agree, no need to flame, I'm just giving my prespective of gaming. NB 2 : really waiting for the infection aspect to be finished, it definitly changes the way to play, it's nice even if it still need some work, good job
  2. ThinkPositive

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    Serveur : EU 655 Problem : All tents disapeared after server restart. The server went 1.7.7 yesterday, it was all fine after going 1.7.7. But today we had an other server restart and all the tents disapeared.