I'm pretty sure the REASON that the survivors.. are.. you know.. survivors is because they were prepared for the situation with weapons/medical supplies/food. If they didn't have those basic things they would already be part of the horde. I mean, I had to start again (I've been playing the mod for over a month now) and i went into Cherno to possibly get some sort of weapon. But as soon as i entered the town, i was already shot at. This doesn't encourage teamwork, in fact, it just makes it easier for bandits to kill new players. How are you meant to hide from zombies when they run 4x faster than you? Apart from going into buildings of course, but they will exit the building and catch up to you, and if you try and run, you will just attract more. The one time i managed to find an Alice pack and a double-barreled shotgun, i was instantly shot by someone with a high caliber rifle. This is near enough impossible, and bandits will remain bandits no matter what the players have, as 60% of bandits don't kill for loot but for the thrill. And the only real spots where you can get a Weapon are infested by these bandits, since this is where we HAVE to go, the bandits just take advantage and all we can do is click our flashlights at them.