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About stollpatrol

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    On the Coast

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    games, movies, drinking.
  1. or in your pocket is a note that reads " Dear passenger, we are dropping you off at a coastal town, the one with the plane crash? I hope your right about it being safer, and good luck - Captain Rogers" Each town could have a different descriptive vice that the captain details. Shipwreck, 2 piers, train station, etc)
  2. I love dayz and i enjoy how the developers are open to suggestions. so here are a my new suggestions on how to improve the humanity sytem (so people are less likely to kill each other. plus a few other ideas. 1: how to improve humanity. I think simply making people rely more on each other for blood transfusions isnt encouraging people to work together but in fact just making the game way harder then it has to be. A) Make your character less susceptible to fear and panic attacks in groups. so if you go it alone, your character stresses out and needs an inhaler, but if you are in a group you are calmer and dont need one (so as a bandit its one more thing you have to worry about) B) Allow callouts to register in game. So if I see a pack of zombies, i call out the area and an arrow appears above the area for my teammates (i understand this flies in the face of no UI, but in real life you can give advice to people via communication, and not everybody has a headset etc - so it makes it more accessable) C) You could get people to work together by implenting a conscience system. So the more people you kill you develop Post tramatic stress or similar problems. This could be visual ques such has head twitches and erratic rambling. that would annoy your 1st person view (like extreme headbob), and also attract zombies making it MUCH harder to be a bandit. 2) other things i would like in the standalone: A) hold doors shut against a zombie. only works for 30 seconds to bandage etc. B) a map editor (i know its near impossible to make maps on arma engine, but if they can convert fps to mmo they can create a halfway descent map editor. Dean Hall said he wants to open up the game to user created content, this is the way to ease the load off the developers and let the fans pick up some wieght. C)scoreboard (its been said before, rank kills, survive time, trades without kills {also would stop the KOS mentality} etc) D) I recently saw World war Z, it was okay, but one thing i liked (SPOILERS) was the vaccine to appear invis to zombies. would be a cool rare item. works for 30 secs or something. Thanks for your time :)
  3. stollpatrol

    list of my suggestions

    you mis read most of my things. I didnt say jump from rooftop to rooftop. I said zipline. On certain buildings you could tether a rope from building to building and shuffle along it. And on the ladder thing, they couldnt abuse it. they would run out of resources and I said that it wouldnt be a permanent blocking. EDIT: also i said rainwater. rain water would be safe. and clothing soaks in alot of rainwater. Have you seen man vs wild? that show is pretty much non-zombie dayz.
  4. stollpatrol

    list of my suggestions

    My addiction is growing for this mod and I am very much looking forward to the standalone. I was recently watching a youtube video and i noticed that Dean Hall referenced several "suggestions" on this site, which I thought was very cool. So I am sharing with the community a few ideas I had that I would like your thoughts for. Suggestion 1: tripping. With zombies being very fast and menacing i think it would be a nice addition if a zombie occassioanlly tripped when chasing you. I think it would be that sigh of relief that a bleeding player was looking for. It would immerse you in the game. In tv shows and movies characters are often having "Close encounters" where they narrowly get away, or simply get lucky. I think zombies could trip and fall once in a while (giving you 5 seconds before they get back up) to add to that immersiom. suggestion 2: holding door closed. I think it would be intense running into a house and closing the door behind you and holding it closed. this would giveany allies a chance to bandage up for a minute or 2. You could give a limit of time that you could force teh door closed by pushing against it. therefore not making it to easy. Also if 2 or more zombies try to open it they overwhelm you and break in. With larger doors like in supermarkets you could have 2 or 3 human players able to hold door closed, able to keep 2-3 zombies at bay outside. Giving you the whole 'walking dead', 'dawn of the dead', 'shaun of the dead'-esque experience. But by closing the doors this could attract more zombie attention, giving you the feeling of being overwhelmed in a building (even like nazi zombies) -Also you could allow doors to be broken off and then repaired. adding to the atmostphere. Suggestion 3: ziplines (not flying foxes, more like a rope you can shuffle along) Moving from large city building rooftop to large city building rooftop would be awesome. You could have injured players unable to cross the zipline and a chance of slipping which could be effected by your total weight (by a full backpack etc). Ziplines could be broken (or shot) which could then be repaired. (imagine shuffling along a zipline above 20 zombies that have spotted you and are waiting below only for it to snap and you to fall into a death pit. Suggestion 4: rain water Imagine running around in the rain, soaked, but thirsty. You could take off your shirt and ring it and drink from the water soaked shirt(it wouldnt provide much but it could help in dire straights) - again something that i have seen in countless movies/shows. Suggestion 5: blocking off ladders You could block off the top of a ladder so zombies or humans cant climb. You could make it take 15 seconds to acheive so you cant do it if someone is in hot persuit of you. It wouldnt be overpowed as if you block it off then you cant get down anyway, therefore you would have to dismante it to move on to a different area. This allows for you to camp out safely on a rooftop (also seen in zombie movies). they could eventually collapse or sease to work after a certain amount of hours and be irrepairable. this could be due to heavy rain, taking enemy fire, etc. I have more but i might wait until i see your thoughts on these 5 before I bother writing the rest up. Thankyou.