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About Bluzz95

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello! i am pretty bored of running around alone in Breaking point, so i would really like to team up whit someone. would be great if you were mature (i am 18). Playing kinda bandit since you can't trust anyone.. :P Add me on skype: L3gionzz
  2. Hey! i would like to play team up whit you guys!
  3. Bluzz95

    Loot Goblins [LG] Is Now Recruiting

    Real First Name: Mats Dayz/Teamspeak Name: Bluzz Why do you think you should be a part of the clan?: You are a PVP/Bandit clan. A good teamplayer. Active gamer. And yeah, am just good, haha. How long have you been playing Dayz for?: Since the very beginning of the mod (I was one of the 70,000 first) Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone?: Yes ofc. What is your current age?: 18 Where are you from?: Norway, EU How would you rate yourself as a Dayz player?:9/10 *EDIT* Do you have Breaking Point and Panthera or willing to get it after accepted?: i have BP, Panthera can i downloade! I could add that my skype is "L3gionZz"
  4. Bluzz95

    Search EU Clan

    Hello there :) So i can start say a little about me. Age: 18 [Mature] Location: Norway Speaks english well Mic, teamspeak, mumble, skype what ever :D So my yeah, what i am good at would be teamwork, Driving skills (planes, Chopper, Cars etc.. ) if we gett into a fight, i am pretty good at pvp and my navigation skills are also really good. So the clan i search should really just be mature and can have fun while playing :) You could at me at skype, and atleast lett me play whit you guys and you could watch if you want me ;) Skype: L3gioNzZ