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Everything posted by dzamora92

  1. dzamora92

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Excuse me, am i the only one who sees this? Jesus, i think these new berries are OP
  2. dzamora92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I haven't read any comment thanking SmashT for keeping the thread updated with the tweets, images and statements from the developers and i know that takes a lot of work. Thank You.
  3. dzamora92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Your calculation appears to be erroneous sir, I followed the formula and the result clearly showed Dayz Standalone = 2020
  4. dzamora92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yeah, that's what he said back in 2012. Back then he only wanted to fix major issues like hacking and zombies and release. The Project has grown since and therefore i expect it to be more expensive .
  5. dzamora92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Does anyone know if the developers have intentions of adding some kind of base building / way to safely store gear? And to all the people who can't wait for the release: I can't wait for the alpha release either but we have to be realistic: every week since 2012 i have read or heard somewhere "the standalone is coming out next week" I have no expactations anymore. i know that games take a long time to develop (look at any AAA title) they usually take years to develop.
  6. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    I am thinking of buying a new computer and i am pretty well oriented in terms of processor, motherboard and memory. This is my dilemma: i can get my hands on a second hand msi gtx 690 for 700€ (a good friend) or a new evga gtx 780 (the titan is of course out of the question) for 589€. I understand that the 690 is a dual-gpu card and i heard that it may not perform as well as a single gpu in some games. i intend to play all kinds of games, new and old, multiplayer and singleplayer and i would like to know, if i decide to get the 690, that it performs, not like a 680 but like 2.I would pay the price difference for extra performance. so help me out please, if you have a 690 or a 780 or if you know what you are talking about, please give me advise. I am not rich and the card i choose will probably be with me for many years. Greetings.
  7. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    i might just be the happiest gentleman alive today, i got this card today and i'm already playing the shit out of it. as promised, i will deliver the benchmarks tomorrow, but only if enough people show interest. greetings
  8. dzamora92

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I agree it is hard to destroy choppers but with a decent weapon (DMR, acog rifles and scoped weapons in general) you can shoot out the gunners and pilot quite easily. I Think the decision to remove the as50 and m107 was drastic, they were massively overpowered but instead of removing them, perhaps they could have been nerfed to something like 10000 blood damage. I don't really know if that is possible.
  9. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    thank you so much for your help guys, especially to sobiesky, your comment has definitely influenced my decision to get the 780. i will make sure to post some benchmarks and photos as soon as i have it
  10. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    thank you for your replies guys unfortunately i still don't know which one to choose.
  11. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    i edited the original post as it was misleading, i do not intend to update my old 6 year old rig, i am building an entirely new one. it will probably be a 4770k with 16gb 1866 memory. I have not yet decided which motherboard and the power supply will depend on the graphics card i choose
  12. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    you are both right, the 780 is newer and the 690 is very powerful (the 690 is almost new) - the 690 outperforms the 780 when both gpus are being used ( i heard that in some games don't use both gpu) - the 780 is a single gpu (which is a plus because there's no possibility of problems of that kind) - if i only one gpu is functional from the 690, i should buy a 780 i heard that dayz (which is what i play the most) only uses one half of the 690, so the 780 should have better performance. on the other hand, in games like battlefield 3 (which i also play), the 690 outperforms the 780 and even the titan. that's my dilemma
  13. dzamora92

    graphics card choice

    you guys have confused me even further the 690 only has 2 months and has barely been used
  14. i think its an excellent idea. perhaps your character should get old and wrinkle, or as someone suggested grow a nice long beard. maybe if you stay alive for something ridiculous like 100 days you get new skin or spawn with your gear.
  15. dzamora92

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Im my opinion: The most enjoyable thing in dayz is interaction with other players (killing them, helping them or teaming up). If you make zombies too dangerous the focus of the game becomes avoiding zombies and that is just not fun. also, if infections are so usual that you get infected in one hit antibiotics should have a high spawn rate. people play dayz for fun. it is NOT fun to become infected and have to go to 3 hospitals and 3 cities and find absolutely nothing. should zombies be dangerous? yes they were dangerous enough on that was fine. i play on a chernarus server used to have 15 players that after this update has switched to namalsk and it suddenly became really populated after this patch. why? well in my opinion people obviously do not like the new patch. Fix it and do it fast before people stop playing dayz.