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About ratava

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  1. is there a question in there somewhere?
  2. ratava

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    there a client update to this as well? Steam seems to have not updated this time (last patch they updated before the server did). HFB Servers seems to have not made this available yet as well.
  3. ratava

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Do not try and speed up Matt. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
  4. So.... can we restrain Zombies???
  5. ratava

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Trying to survive without a cure is the only sustainable play style left to us right now. Suicide on infection only results in constant suicide as infection is all but a guarantee due to the much-discussed-already issues with Zed behavior. Combine this with the unpredictability of finding an Antibiotic (I've YET to find one at a hospital) and you windup with Playing Infected becoming the new Status Quo. Im glad to see that the Devs acknowledge a problem with the mechanic. This means to me that Playing Infected is not expected to be the Status Quo. I'd love to hear some higher level talk about what the goals for implementing this mechanic actually are considering that what we have is not what was intended. I, for one, am just as frustrated as the next guy at the current state of affairs. Understanding that things are not as intended makes the current state somewhat bearable. I think more, clear, communication about the intended direction and more transparency around the expected release dates of the next attempted fix would calm a lot of folks down. All this rhetoric around "Suck it up, buttercup" just adds to the frustration.
  6. Posted a bug right after my last post. The bug forum is moderated and my bug has not been posted, nor have I gotten a reply acknowledging receipt or explaining its denial. Since that time, all of my vehicles show more wheels then they appear to (and used to) have. Something is wrong somewhere. Does anyone know what it could be if its not a bug?
  7. Ok it did work then. I was expecting a one large circle raidaiting from the crash with no grass in it, maybe 20 meters in radius. I remember seeing a photo of that somewhere with green circles around the loot. All my raiding had been at night and so I hadn't noticed that the individual loots themselves are now in smaller no-grass circles. Ran during the day today and confirmed it is working. Thanks.
  8. ratava

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    My bad. I could have sworn that the medical boxes I was running across in 1.6 had antibiotics in em. We sure had pleanty of them then "hey what are these for"???
  9. Huh? I don't follow. I put the above line at the end of the init.sqf in my mission file as per the instructions about. There appears to be no change at the helicopter crash sites in any way. The grass is still there and the loot is still difficult to see.
  10. you sure this goes in init.sqf? I see nothing else in the file with similar syntax. I did this and set it to 2. Loots still buried in grass at heli sites. dayz_spawnCrashSite_clutterCutter=2; // helicrash spawn... 0: loot hidden in grass, 1: loot lifted, 2: no grass
  11. So this is great and all but I was hoping for some news on the mod. Mebbe this isn't how that info gets conveyed. I see a changelog but there isn't a release number or date associated with it. Given I just ran across a medical box on my private server that had NO antibiotics in it, im itching for the fix for this infection mess. When is it going to happen?
  12. ratava

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Forgive me if this is well trodden ground. My rudimentary searching on the forum did not find this information. On my private server I just found a medical box at a heli crash site. There were no antibiotics in it. It seems that Medical Boxes are still in the game, they don't contain antibiotics anymore. -R.
  13. ratava

    Where are all the devblogs?

    So... wheres the antibiotics devblog?
  14. I had two problems. Depending on which symptom you may have one or both. They were: - Missing Files: This was due to the fact that I had applied the patch (or what hfbservers was calling which was supposed to be for servers running the reality mod. I am not running that mod, so I assume I should not have applied that patch. - Black Screen / Waiting for Server Authentication: This was due to a mismatch between my client version and my server version. In my case, Steam seems to have pushed a patch in the last 24 hours that caused my client to no longer connect properly to my server running Monday's patch. I had to revert the server to and now I can play. I would recommend you either contact your server admin if you know them, or hunt around to find a server running your clients version. Good Luck.
  15. Got it sorted. Hope this helps others. It appears the Steam update somehow broke access to the new patch. I had to downrev my server from to After doing so, I can connect.