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About zimpara2354

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  1. Played on here earlier.. Big clan presence by a few different clans- s2n and others. Everything was cool had a blast. Has usual trader freeze bug iv seen with most other ai servers
  2. Cool dudes np and cheers for the sub. Ill be playing on here in a few hours ill join teamspeak
  3. played on this server, admins stay out of your way and its a pretty nice server, I love the map Heres a video we got from there lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFJ1fOTye9c
  4. zimpara2354

    If youre playing EPOCH-Check this TIP out

    rocket to the top :D
  5. zimpara2354

    new cherno server

    they are still modifying the mission :D lol
  6. Tired of not being able to see over H barrier cubes in your base? ( WITH YOUR RIFLE) :D Here is a fix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PisWC3BvFcc
  7. zimpara2354

    Who the HELL is this song by?

    Lol its really good though when you get into it
  8. zimpara2354

    Who the HELL is this song by?

    Take my beans and thanks
  9. zimpara2354

    Who the HELL is this song by?

    Hey guys I put this dark music (think gladiator soundtrack) to a video a few days ago. And i have no idea who its by.. But its so good, does anybody know what the hell it is? I got a copyright ping too from youtube so must be famous or something? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svjpBzE5_xs
  10. zimpara2354

    Its all HAPPENING in DayZ Epoch "TAKISTAN" now!

    Rocket to the top :D
  11. So earlier on we ventured into DayZ epoch _takistan... And i know what you may be thinking! But fucking hell, watch this 4 minute video If you like rocks, be sure to like the video :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFJ1fOTye9c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFJ1fOTye9c
  12. zimpara2354

    Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

    You have a PM dude :)