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Posts posted by Dave91

  1. Yep, Rocket said himself that many people will be disappointed if they jump the gun and buy/participate in DayZ Standalone Alpha. Alpha is for the real and true fans who want to help the game progress. If people want DayZ as a polished game, wait for the full release.

    However if you want to be a part of the game's development, then jump into Alpha and help with bug finding and the adding, removal and tweaking of features.

    Of course! I can't wait to play along with true members of this community and aid in the development of this unparalleled game.

  2. Yes, that's the biggest change. Server architecture, tightening of security and turning an FPS game into an MMO.

    People are judging the game on aesthetics alone, which only highlights the mentality of today's modern gamers. Many YouTube comments revolve around things like: "Bad graphics = bad game." It really doesn't.

    Most things that you currently see are place holders, the zombie hits are synchronised yet, and there's still a ton of work to be done. Making the DayZ experience a fantastic experience for all is of far greater importance than the game's aesthetics. Simple design changes can be made on the fly, so talking about how the game looks is of no real importance right now.

    This, I couldn't agree more.

    Nowadays it seems like better graphics is what game development/progress is to most gamers and that's just flat out wrong, especially in a game like this.

    In fact i'd say that of all the aspects that make DayZ the unique gaming experience it is, aesthetics are the least important ones. Any real fan of DayZ knows this.

    I admire Rocket and the rest of the team for their decision of going to E3 with this development build of the game. It shows they are not your common game developers, looking for a quick cashout. They knew that showing that build would break the hype for alot of people resulting in less profit for them at first but they did it anyway because they don't want to mislead people who thought it was going to be perfect at launch. It is shown by them as it really is, like it or not. They want to start the alpha with the real fans of the game, that understand and enjoy the core experience of DayZ, and slowly work their way into charming other gamers that need more content/polish to be able to enjoy it.

    With that said everyone that expects the launch build to be very different from what they showed at E3 should wait until it reaches a later development stage, like Rocket himself suggested you do, because right now they are just doing polish work to the current features and maybe adding minor stuff, no major changes are being made to the game for launch build.

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