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Everything posted by zecele

  1. zecele

    Story Time ......

    Well 1. Its fun to play with peoples minds. 2. I was in Electro so i went to the hospital which is were to next part of the story begins.
  2. I havent really thought of it until now but why are nearly all cars rusted wrecks what happened. If it was a nuclear apocalypse i could understand but a zombie apocalypse doesnt really make much sense. What do you think happened?
  3. zecele

    sneaking from zombies obsolete?

    Basically yes :)
  4. zecele

    fix the game ffs

    Scum of the internet. Well considering you're probably fat and a disgusting person ' date=' this is the only thing you can really enjoy ; correcting a persons grammar on the internet. [/quote'] Wow way to go insulting someone over the internet even though you know absolutely nothing about me.
  5. What makes you think you know better?
  6. zecele

    Aussie looking for a clan

    Ive said it before and ill say it again post this kinda of stuff in the Survivor HQ section. Also most people who play this game are 17+ so most people will not want to play with a 13 year old. Sorry but its the truth.
  7. I barely ever meet campers in this game. Why? because you would have to be pretty stupid to sit in the same position for hours. Camping is for bad players. The fact that you admit your a camper is pretty astounding.
  8. zecele

    MK48 vs FN FAL

    I would say the FN FAL is slightly more powerfull.
  9. zecele

    fix the game ffs

    i kill other people' date=' and i am proud of it! i like to live, you know... [/quote'] Turn pvp of for this reason^ until muppets like him egt the point of the game tyvm There not going to turn pvp of rocket has said that he is basically keeping it the way it is. What im getting from this is that your just not very good at the game.
  10. Should of posted this in the general discussion area. But in my opinion there will still be roughly atleast 10,000 people still playing in 2-3 months.
  11. zecele

    Looking for players!

    Wrong place post in Survivors HQ. :)
  12. zecele

    fix the game ffs

    4 whole lines....and he did throw a few periods in there at least. Also' date=' nobody like a grammar nazi, not even nazis. :dodgy: You cared enough to post. [/quote'] Im not being a grammer nazi. The first thing i thought when i saw this post was that he must of been smashing his head against the keyboard when typing this.
  13. What was the point of this thread? Just to brag
  14. zecele

    fix the game ffs

    1. Learn the English language 2. Learn to use paragraphs and full stops o yeh and also capitals. 3. Stop adding to the 100 other threads like this. 4. Im pretty positive nobody cares. Thanks have a nice day :)
  15. zecele

    Storage and hording

    Well im pretty sure soon in an update that they will make it so vehicles and tents despawn if you put them outside the map.
  16. zecele


    Welcome to Day Z :)
  17. zecele

    My 2 cents (

    Im sorry but you have day z completely wrong. From what ive read your not playing the game properly and it sounds like you just left cod and went onto day z. Also i dont really think you can have much of an opinion on the game after only playing 2 days of it.
  18. zecele

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Well cant really say you were not hacking without proof that you were not so im 50/50 on this.
  19. zecele

    My 2 cents (

    I appreciate your enthusiasm for DayZ' date=' but you're not helping. Not everyone who has a frustrating experience at first should be ushered out the door. Some just need time to come around to the experience of DayZ and realize it's not a traditional game. OP is at least not ranting and raving about the ruinous mess of a game that is DayZ. I don't agree with any of his suggestions, but at least he presented them without acting like most of the people on the forums. Try meting out some advice. OP might come around one day and see the light. [/quote'] My bad its just there are about 50 of these types of posts each day and there not helping if i was going to give some advice i would of said use the search function.
  20. zecele

    My 2 cents (

    All this has been said before what i got from this basically was. Your a noob who is not very good at the game and cant play it for shit. In other words this isnt the game for you.
  21. zecele

    DayZ's epic moments

    The fact that you took a hacked gun in the first place still proves my point.
  22. Thats why you aim instead of trying to blindfire.
  23. zecele

    DayZ's epic moments

    Your whats wrong with this game. P.S Good job on showing everyone in video proof that you use hacked weapon hope you get banned :)
  24. zecele

    Group anyone?

    Wrong section should of posted in Survivor HQ