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Everything posted by oilman

  1. "NOTE: Moderators please do not remove this threat by assuming it is just another "map too large" topic, as I am clearly explaining the reasons in detail why that is." Holy fuck, I'm sorry, but what? Your reason for not posting in the already created thread was that your post is detailed? I'm confused.
  2. oilman

    Map is too big?

    rocket why havent you made at least thirty new maps yet you call this an alpha this is ridiculous you are a terrible developer
  3. Manlytears? Don't you have STALKER threads to troll?
  4. Man, this forum really has a lot of opinion pieces that would be better suited as posts in another thread than threads themselves. He has given his word repeatedly. I suppose a simple search of all posts by Rocket would be too much to ask before making a new thread? But, since you posted it anyway, I disagree with you, as I feel that there are definite features that are lacking (Any real incentive to team up, for example), but I disagree also with MasacruAlex, in that I feel adding features to keep the game 'interesting' is awful and leads to a bloated experience with no real direction. Team Fortress Two is a great example of this. What was once one of the most brilliantly designed (visually) games of the past decade has become a mess.
  5. oilman

    [v1.5.6] Zombies / Loot Spawn Issues

    Can definitely confirm this bug.
  6. This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for having it. There really is no reason to include a female skin. I haven't heard of any Asians being offended that there are no Asian models to choose from. I haven't heard any Orthodox Jews being offended that no models are wearing traditional garb.
  7. For the love of god, signed! I want my moist nugget.
  8. oilman

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    Don't have much more to add at this point, just thought I'd say I'm glad to see both survivors and bandits agreeing that this is an issue.
  9. oilman

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    I don't think the specific key combination is really integral to the issue. After all, there's more than one way to quit.
  10. When in doubt, shoot at your feet and see if you can rocketjump.
  11. oilman

    My Trip to the airfield

    Actually, there's a barracks just south of Balota airfield. It hasn't been on the map though for some reason. EDIT: I'm wrong. Different kind of barracks. My mistake.
  12. oilman

    Logged off last night

    Fucking saved, Amnesty. Fucking saved.
  13. oilman

    Logged off last night

    You were drugged. You might want to check if both your kidneys are still there.
  14. oilman

    Player Hunting Vid

    As someone who loathes bandits and wants them all dead, I can still respect a man who hunts his prey. I look forward to either killing or being killed by you. ;)
  15. oilman

    O look, another PvP thread

    Actually, I've been one of the loudest against any kind of reprimand on Bandits, and my humanity is currently over 3500, and I have never even considered shooting a survivor. Please do not make assumptions like that. Regardless, can a Mod please close this thread? We already have enough of them.
  16. oilman

    My Trip to the airfield

    I'm calling shenanigans on that, Mr Delicious. EDIT: I went there, he's totally right. You have to flare it up a bit though, throw a few flares in the air. Incredible!
  17. oilman

    Bunnies are more scary than zombies

    Limeni, look at the screenshot. Have you ever seen a big green tick on the right of your screen during DayZ? No? So, chances are, it's not DayZ!
  18. oilman

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    First thing: 'Everyone is doing it' is objectively false. Go into a server. Every time you see 'Player X has been killed', someone WASN'T doing it. More to the point, every time you see someone talk on Group chat after they die, that's someone not doing it. As well as that, you can personally choose to not do it yourself, so that's one more person, and I certainly know that all of my friends don't do it, so that's even more. Secondly, 'everyone is doing it' is hardly a way to justify an action that has been labelled by the creator of the game as an exploit.
  19. oilman

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    Limeni, that's absolute bullshit. Most players have the balls to not do it in the first place. Since when did admitting guilt become a sign of being brave? You still did the cowardly act in the first place. It takes a complete lack of balls to do so.
  20. oilman

    FPV-only servers ?

    Any of the servers with difficulty on 'veteran' are strictly FPV.
  21. oilman

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    To climb a ladder without fear: - If you have a primary weapon, get it out, then lower it by pressing CTRL twice. - If you do NOT have a primary weapon (ie. only a pistol), drop your secondary on the ground before climbing. I've never had a problem using this method. The issue is that when you get to the top and exit the 'climbing' animation, your gun hits the edge of the top of the ladder, and pushes you back off. Hence, you need to have a lowered weapon. Unfortunately, pistols can't be lowered, so you need to drop them on the ground. And, yes, this is an issue stemming from Arma2, not DayZ.
  22. oilman

    Arma 3

    I actually really like the look of Stratis. I can see that being used on smaller servers.
  23. Can't wait to spend a few hours having to download homer_simpson_doh.wav over and over.