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Everything posted by oilman

  1. Rocket, please, you gotta promise us: NEVER do this.
  2. Rocket I hereby request a hidden batman skin EDIT: Or at the very least, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16684
  3. Alright, fine, have my tears. ;_;
  4. Can strongly reccomend this mod. It's different from DayZ, no question, but I would suspect most fans of one would enjoy the other.
  5. oilman

    Dev may stop?

    come on guys you can't really i mean seriously
  6. oilman

    A Concise Collection of Server Rules

    I chose a few (Most, actually) of the rules that I feel may as well simply be global rules: 1. Do not spam microphone voice chat. 2. Do not spam connections. 3. Do not spread misinformation to other players. 4. No racism/sexism/other discrimination or pointlessly offensive behaviour. 5. No far-too-long flame wars. 6. No special treatment for clan members or friends of the Admin. I would then add: 7. No intentional exploiting. (Alt-F4ing in the middle of a firefight, duping items, etc.) And in my opinion, those seven rules should be applied to all servers. Just my feelings, though. And, yet again, thankyou Mojo, this thread should be mandatory reading.
  7. oilman

    Dev may stop?

    Grio, development will be halted for a few months. I hear NZ is currently under pepsi rationing.
  8. Thankyou Rocket, I was getting sick of explaining this! :)
  9. oilman

    my 2 cents worth

    I find it ironic that the vast majority of people complaining about this rule that is supposedly so hard on those that run servers do not, in fact, run servers. Most server hosts are fine with it, and those that aren't alright with it are in a very small minority. If there was so much demand for this rule to be changed, we'd have complaints from people running servers coming out the wazoo. That is not the case.
  10. Tiri, the vast majority of server hosts are absolutely fine with it. So, yeah, they're the rules. Proceed to go out, buy a pack of playing cards, open it up, and deal with it. Thread locked, I hope the hosts can sort out their problems with the devs. In future, please do not bother making threads for these sorts of issues, and send a PM to the server hosts, and if they do not respond or you feel the response is unsatisfactory, send a PM to a mod on these forums.
  11. Server providers are still required to follow the rules. Rocket has said so repeatedly. Leaving this thread up, despite the low quality of posts (from both sides) so a dev can see it. I highly advise Chicago 9 to stop kicking players.
  12. oilman

    The only thing I take issue with

    There are working motorbikes.
  13. oilman

    Server Status?

    Actually, no, that's not what a dev should do. A dev should work on fixing the problem, not focus on how the community feels. That's also a paid dev. A dev doing work out of his free time can snort coke off his keyboard and there'd be no justification for complaining.
  14. oilman

    Being a clever bandit

    Moved to Bandit Campfire, come on guys, differing forums are there for a reason.
  15. oilman

    Respawn bug....

    If you want to report a bug, do so in the correct format and in the bug report forum.
  16. oilman

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    And right now it's 45/50, what's your point?
  17. I... what Locked, contact a dev, and they can tell you why this isn't happening. Leaving this up because it's the most bizarre thread I've seen yet. (And rated 5 stars. What a thread.)
  18. oilman

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    I edited your OP and put in your description of what Connection Spamming actually is. :)
  19. oilman


    Put this into the new players forum, I think you'll be more at home there for a bit :D
  20. oilman

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    For the record, I don't host a DayZ server, but I've hosted numerous other servers for other games over the course of my time. (Red Orchestra, Day of Defeat, etc.) I think a little clarification on what 'spamming connections' is would be welcome for most ignorant players though, Mojo. Some may think that merely refreshing the server list is connecting on the same level as requesting a response. (Seriously. I've heard that before.) What's more, everyone who reads this thread: Go out and tell the people!
  21. Well you're not going to make many friends if you go around as a bandit. :D Best way to play is to have a RL friend with you to start off with. As soon as you have a pair of survivors, other friendlies will be much more likely to tag along. (Beware, though. Bandits will also be more likely to tag along a few km's behind you. ;))
  22. Why does this forum have so many useless threads? :( Please make threads about things that can be discussed, not just your personal opinions on what just happened to you.