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About oilman

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  1. oilman

    Please, buy servers.

    YOU can personally buy a server yourself, you know. Closed because asking Rocket for more servers hardly constitutes a reasonable suggestion - and even if it were, it would go in the suggestions forum.
  2. I was about to say 'Okay let's get back on topic' and then I realised this thread doesn't have a topic
  3. oh god this sentence could not make me any more mad No, I am not new to the internet. I just realised that the idea of 'rage comics', that is, using somebody elses template for an image and slightly changing the text but keeping the same punchlines, is a horrible way to make a point, OR a joke. As well as that, even the creatively made ones got old in 2008. And the term 'interwebs' got old in 2004.
  4. oilman

    WTF is this ?

    You're uh, playing an alpha and expect every player to have a personal response from the devs when they encounter a bug? Woah boy. Locked because woah boy.
  5. Here is how I see it: Also, if you're going to make a comic, take the extra five seconds to draw it yourself, jesus christ have at least some original thought
  6. oilman


    iHax is right, and moved. Frankly, I think the temp feature AND a radiation feature would be overkill.
  7. Are you referring to music? If so, do what I do: Turn it down and play some Aphex Twin. :p
  8. oilman

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    Uh, sure? If it's about forum moderation, then you might as well not bother with me. I'm just another one of Griff's minions.
  9. oilman

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    Deleted the posts relating to the current internet drama going on, this isn't the place for it. Please send all relevant abuse to my PM box. Nya, I'll send you a PM shortly. :)
  10. oilman

    Australian Servers

    Moved to the server subsection. There are LOADS of Aussie servers, and they're all usually full.
  11. oilman

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    Me? Well seeing as you posted after me and without quoting anyone else I assume you are talking to me. If that is the case then you have me confused with someone else as I have never made posts of that nature. Nono, I was just making a general statement, silly. 'you' was the plural 'you'.
  12. oilman

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    why would you want to be a moderator all you do is get frustrated at people not knowing how to use the search function it's awful
  13. Listen, there are multiple threads in the Bandit subsection of these forums for this. There is also the PvP thread. The ONLY PvP thread. It's really frustrating having to tell everyone repeatedly to use the goddamn search function. But seriously. Use. The fucking. Search function.
  14. oilman

    Having more than one profile in DayZ

    Pleeeeaaaaase use the search function. Please.
  15. oilman

    How to use alice pack?

    I WUB PUGS, certainly happens to me.