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About jarnotrulli

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jarnotrulli

    Battleye Kick for corrupt data #5

    Had same problem earlier. Now I'm on server and playing. (I don't know if it is working only for sec or something like that but I'm playing now!). I tought that maybe some programm is blocking BE and then I went Cntrl+Alt+Delete and processes( I have it in Finnish so I don't remember whats it is called in English) and started shutting down useless programs like PunkBuster. Then I saw program called BEservice and shut it down too. Then i joined a server and it worked. :)
  2. jarnotrulli

    Hacking on DE 144

    Hi! I was playing earlier today in DE 144 and i killed player named [DE|ENG]Perry Cox. After he was killed he disconnected from server and after 30 mins or something like that he came back and then aircrafts started to come down from the sky to the point where we killed him(Devil's Castle). After the aircrafts were down someone teleported behind us with godmode on(I shot like 50 bullets with m240 on him 1 metres away from him and no effect) and he had dmr. We run away from him and got away then disconnected.