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Everything posted by FaceofMankind

  1. FaceofMankind

    Current "Official" Alpha Version?

    hes correct 1.6 is the stable version.
  2. FaceofMankind

    Can you play different profiles at a time?

    You can make more profile names or just change ur name if you want to infiltrate clans and shit =]
  3. FaceofMankind

    #1 PRIORITY!!!!!!!!!!!

    90% of the servers are shit atm and not working for A LOT of people hopefully this is fixed soon I feel your pain.
  4. FaceofMankind

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    I cant get in 1.6 or 1.7 servers most of them are not working.
  5. FaceofMankind

    Side Chat

    I suggest unistalling the beta patch if you like to socialize in a ONLINE GAME!
  6. FaceofMankind

    Exploding zombies.

    Thats crazy