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Posts posted by TheKillerCobra

  1. Had a slight problem when it came to the Zombies.

    Haven't been able to play for a good seven days and just got in today to play with the update, spawned near some minor village (had no map on that server) but there where a few building you could go into.

    While standing still and picking up the loot I found a zombie managed to detect me through the wall, this is not something I've experienced with the earlier versions, and this did not happen once. About three to four times it happened before I gave up going to any more building, had to spend a good time trying to get rid of the ones chasing me all the time and that brings me to the second problem.

    Running uphill and being behind trees and bushes, even the hill itself did not help shake the zombies, they kept going even if I was a good 200-300 meters from them with all this between us. Feels like I was chased by some infected bloodhounds :P
