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About ShiftyZz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ShiftyZz


    Age: 21 Ts Name: ShiftyZz Experience in Dayz (Time Played): 1yr+ Possible Role in Community (medic,scout, etc..) : I will do what ever role is nessary to help me team and keep everyone alive Previous clans (not needed): Reason for Choosing This Clan: I looking for a clan with a group of well trusted people that will be respect to me and I will be respectful back and able to get on with everyone in the clan. Looking for a people to play DayZ standalone Serious or Non Serious
  2. ShiftyZz

    [Reckless] is recruiting (Bandit). 18+

    In game name: ShiftyZz Age: 20 Activity (How often are you on?): All the time Will you be getting the Alpha standalone?: NOPE Is getting raid call an issue for you?: NOPE Specialty (Recon, Sniping, Close combat)?: Close combat