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Everything posted by SillyGoose

  1. add me to the list of people who cannot play game. i logged in at balota so i cannot see to get out. but no, lets not fix this issue, much more important to add fucking bear traps to the game.
  2. SillyGoose

    High Res player models?

    Can anyone clarify what this effects - is it just player textures or does it improve overall graphics?
  3. SillyGoose

    SD Ammo Spawning

    But the answer to his questions is "There is no difference between SD mags and normal mags". It's the rounds inside the mags that are different.
  4. SillyGoose

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    So we've gone from "THAT'S JUST REAL LIFE MAN" (he gave up on that) to "That's just how the game is man it's just like that and it will never change" Because Rocket doesn't fix these types of issues all the time. Good stuff.
  5. SillyGoose

    SD Ammo Spawning

  6. Does this work for say Glock 17 and Beretta mags?
  7. SillyGoose

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    What is realistic about a doorway being closed down with a magical' date=' indestructible wire that is not removable with a wire fencing kit due to clever positioning? I have actually set up and cleared NATO wire and believe me, there's nothing magical about it. It's an engine exploit, simple as that. [/quote'] I wonder where these people come from that they think the shit in this game is realistic. You'll always find at least one guy who thinks the most ridiculous shit is just realism at its best, "That's just how barbed wire works man!"
  8. SillyGoose

    Firearm Safety Button

    Why do people always try to come up with these weird alternatives to fixing the problems of the game? Most guns have safeties on them. Put a safety button in the game. Arguably not the biggest priority, but still, "just switch to your flashlight" doesn't fix the problem.
  9. Yep, agreed. And the broken leg will be for falls (real falls, not the glitchy staircase type falls from 5 feet..come on, the femur is like the strongest bone in the body), and gunshot wounds to the leg. Love this! I've been reading this suggestions forum for like 20 minutes and lots of good suggestions - does Rocket check here?
  10. No' date=' Ill shoot them anyway to spite this way of thinking. Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back. [/quote'] Have to agree with this. Especially the point the OP made - this is Alpha, there are a SHIT TON of bugs, I want to be able to ask people "Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?" I mean, 99% of the time it's a bug...But if I'm unnecessarily aggravating myself I'd like to avoid that.
  11. Hey everyone, 3 days ago I had no FPS problems aside from the occasional server-type FPS issues that everyone seemed to have. Now even before I load into a game, in the general Arma game menu (like where you click "multiplayer", I have insane FPS problems. In the server choosing menu, FPS issues. If I go to type in a server name filter and try to delete the old filter and put in a new one, each letter takes a lot of time to appear. Obviously these FPS issues continue after loading into a server and I cannot play at all like this :( I have everything up to date...Is this a problem others are having since (X) patch was released?
  12. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Is there an install guide for this? Is it okay to use with Day Z? When I Install it will I need to change my Steam launch properties? I don't want to screw it up. Just don't have the time to do a lot of research on updating.
  13. I saw him in a game and jokingly told him I fapped to his videos. He winked and said there was another one coming out that night ..... :/ TRUE STORY.
  14. SillyGoose

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    seems like a lot of the requests in this thread will make the game too easy. imo a quiver would allow you too carry too much ammo and fire at will. the crossbow isn't meant to fight off a swarm, so don't stockpile ammo and try to use it that way. just keep 2 or 3 bolts and use it to single zombies with headshots. that's a lot like how some people want to be able to carry a melee weapon and a primary gun without losing bag space. the whole point of having melee weapons is that they offer a tradeoff to firearms and you're supposed to calculate the risks of carrying one or the other (or carrying both and sacrificing the extra bag slots) and make tough decisions. too many people want to have their cake and eat it too. Because the current setup isn't realistic. In real life I can sling two rifles, have a sidearm in my jacket pocket, have a flashlight in my left hand and have a hatchet in my right hand, or any weird combination of the above. This game artificially (and to its detriment IMO) limits what you can carry rather than be realistic. and when you want to switch to a rifle you won't be putting other stuff on the ground and fumbling around for it? riiiight. Sorry guys. If you think it's normal that a handgun takes up like 50% of a backpack's space then you've either never seen a handgun or are confusing the words 'backpack' and 'purse'.
  15. I thought the way it used to be was just a glitch, just because of how stupid it was. I completely disagree with OP - if I don't have any food/water under the old system I basically couldn't log out because when I came back I'd be starving to death (literally). That's pretty dumb. Glad it has been fixed.
  16. SillyGoose

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I fully agree with this. I love using the crossbow' date=' but can only carry 3-4 bolts when carrying other gear i need. Adding a quiver for the bolts, or just making the bolts have a higher ammo count (ie: Winchester ammo comes in things of 15, Lee comes in clips of 10, maybe bolts come in groups of three?) would make this often overlooked weapon much more useful. [/quote'] I made a suggestion for this topic in another subforum. TL;DR Quiver that spawns single steel bolts in your inv via gear menu. Limited uses. Able to restock via right click on single bolts. Although, I dont know if it's possible to implement this "limited uses" mechanic. seems like a lot of the requests in this thread will make the game too easy. imo a quiver would allow you too carry too much ammo and fire at will. the crossbow isn't meant to fight off a swarm, so don't stockpile ammo and try to use it that way. just keep 2 or 3 bolts and use it to single zombies with headshots. that's a lot like how some people want to be able to carry a melee weapon and a primary gun without losing bag space. the whole point of having melee weapons is that they offer a tradeoff to firearms and you're supposed to calculate the risks of carrying one or the other (or carrying both and sacrificing the extra bag slots) and make tough decisions. too many people want to have their cake and eat it too. Because the current setup isn't realistic. In real life I can sling two rifles, have a sidearm in my jacket pocket, have a flashlight in my left hand and have a hatchet in my right hand, or any weird combination of the above. This game artificially (and to its detriment IMO) limits what you can carry rather than be realistic.
  17. SillyGoose

    Shotgun Shells

    O hai Day Z, What about instead of having "XX shotgun slugs" or "xx shotgun pellets" you just have 12 gauge slugs or 12 gauge pellets which work with all the various shotguns? Like the Benelli M1014 - this is a 12 gauge shotgun, just about any 12 gauge slug or pellets will work with it in real life The Remington 870 - I have one of these, it doesn't have special ammo, any 12 gauge slugs/pellets will work with it Double barreled shotgun (assuming its 12 gauge) any 12 gauge slugs/pellets will work with it. There is no such thing as a "2 round shotgun magazine" or whatever is in the game. You take two shells out of your pocket or pouch or wherever you keep them and you pop them into the gun and close the breach and pewpew. So the loot should basically be "16 round box of 12 gauge slugs" or pellets, or however many rounds you want it to be. For a game that prides itself on a realistic approach to a zombie apocalypse this seems pretty basic. I know there are obviously bigger fish to fry right now :P
  18. SillyGoose

    I'm so lost - halp!

    I think I startd in Cherno or Elektro - it was in the city that has the apartment buildings (4 or so of them) on the north side. I then ran North-North west until I got to a town with a church in it (probably 15-20 minutes of running). My guess was that I had come from Elektro and hit Mogilevka. I ran north-west for...like, an hour maybe or more after that. IDK where this took me but there was a thick-ish black line running north to south if I faced west. I thought 'wow, maybe I reached the west most side of the map and beyond this point is just nothingness? So i logged out, logged back in and it says "Wilderness". OK, so I figured I was right and I was too far West, so I ran East for a good 10 minutes, hit a paved road with 2 lanes, took it North for 20 minutes, logged, came back in and it said "Grozovoy Pass" I then followed the road North/North East until it just ended without any signs or anything. Just the end of the road. Am I maybe in the Northwest most corner of the map? I have no idea where Grozovoy Pass is. Now when I log out/log in it says "wilderness" again, which I assume means I'm no where near any towns. I'd rather not restart, been at this way too long, lol...Spent most of my sick-day from work running :P F5F5F5F5F5F5F5
  19. SillyGoose

    I'm so lost - halp!

    damn. thanks. that's what I thought but my map didn't have the gozozoyovoy pass on it. grrr, so much running!
  20. What does the 're-arm' button do? Similarly, I get the option to "Re-Arm at fire" (or something like that). I'd like to think that this will balance out my mags so I don't have a bunch of 1 or 2 shot mags in my inventory, but I don't want to test it and have it turn out to be something that just destroys all my gear or something else typical of the Day Z world.