So let me understand, your angry that a server YOU PLAY ON FOR FREE has rules set by the admin WHO PAYS FOR IT that you don't like and is in the server name warning you BEFORE YOU EVER WENT IN? "NO PVP Friendly server" Do you go into Florist shops and rage they don't sell milk? No? Silly right? There are TONS of servers. I've played there, it's nice occasionally to be able to ask for a Blood Bag, share a ride, make a new friend, or help a noobie out learning the game. What's your beef? And, by the way, the rule you quoted has an interesting phrasing you either ignored or missed, "your". So Admins can't allow PvP in general but ban for killing THEM, allow stealing in general but ban for stealing from THEM. If the rule applies across the whole server what's your issue? But seriously, even if all that doesn't makes sense, simply put "Don't play there".