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About MrSac69

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  1. MrSac69

    Day Z Videos

  2. MrSac69

    DayZ Bird's Eye View

    It was awesome to watch
  3. MrSac69

    DayZ Bird's Eye View

    Yeah wish i could have been in the action instead of just hovering above it
  4. MrSac69

    DayZ Bird's Eye View

    Yeah was hilarious! thanks dude
  5. MrSac69

    DayZ Bird's Eye View

    Yeah if you could hear the game audio its just me laughing the whole time! Cheers man!
  6. MrSac69

    DayZ Bird's Eye View

    Spawned in as a bird in elektro and decided to make this video about what i saw http://youtu.be/NQPowV7XKAc
  7. MrSac69

    Day Z Videos

    Just a quick video i made when i spawned in as a bird
  8. MrSac69

    Dayz WTF?

    Yeah not had much hacker activity in a while until the last few nights.
  9. MrSac69

    DayZ Mil-Dot Tutorial

    Just a quick tutorial on how to use your mil-dots to get the rough range of a target.
  10. MrSac69

    Day Z Videos

    Just a quick video to show how to use your mil-dots to get a rough range on a target
  11. MrSac69

    Dayz WTF?

    Yea dropped the ball a bit with the Faggot insult! Was so shocked at what was happening my brain stopped working for a second! Thats what happens when you spend half an hour underground to then get slammed by a hacker! Glad you enjoy the accent! No one else seems to like it.....
  12. MrSac69

    DayZ Satchel Charge trap

    We made a trap with some satchel charges and a car
  13. MrSac69

    Day Z Videos

    Setting up traps with satchel charges http://youtu.be/g-61uYt-8Uc
  14. MrSac69

    Dayz WTF?

    Was looting in object a2 then this happened
  15. We we're gearing up in object a2 when this happened.....