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Everything posted by OoTSGoO

  1. Hi guys, i have been wanting to join a clan for a long time now, i thought it would be a good idea to post on here to see if anyone had spaces for me :) Anyway, here is some information: I am aged 15 I am Male I have TS3 I am from the UK I have been playing DayZ for almost a year now I can play any kind of role - Bandit - Survivor - Hero For any more more information, just let me know. Thanks.
  2. Yo :D My name is Connor, I am soon 16 And i am ready for any game play :)
  3. Age: 15 How Long Have You Been Playing DayZ: 1 year Special Skills: accuracy, good at vision Will You Be Loyal and Respectful: indeed i shall
  4. Name (in game) OoTSGoO Real life first name (not essential) Connor Age 15 Location / Nationality (general, not exact) The Uk
  5. OoTSGoO

    R4GE (Quick Application)

    Name: Connor Age: 15 How long have you played DayZ (Dont lie): About 1 year Do you have TeamSpeak? if not get it :/ Yes i do Do you prefer being a Bandit, Survivor, or Hero?(Doesn't Matter): I can be anything and...thats it!! :D