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Posts posted by hollowaddictiontv

  1. IP:

    teamspeak: ts.craftdoge.com


    Some Scripts not mentioned above: SelfBB, TakeClothes, Suicide, DeployBike, refuel/repair/tow/lift, jets/armoredhelis, customtradecities, customcurrency, busroute, A.I.Missions, CustomLoot/extraloot, SnapBuild/FastBuild. We offer clans of 3 or more a clan stimulus package.


    We have Weekly Events such as Hatchet Wars in a giant maze, Paintball, Hunger Games, Triathlons and ItemHunt, We are on a dedicated ip/SSD/CPU. We are constantly making and finding new scripts to improve the server, and take into account our players opinions. Such Amaze!


    www.CraftDoge.com (we also run a MC server)



  2. Am using Ural towing only on my server, works great...

    However, how can I properly eliminate the extra action mouse scroll options (yellow). 2 of which are when looking at loot:

    "Take this object"

    "Load in..."

    And the other is when looking at/accessing a vehicle:

    "View the vehicle content"

    Any help getting rid of these options would be great!

    in the Same .sqf file you use to change which vehicles than can be towed/lifted, scroll a bit lower and remove all vehicles that can load or be loaded and the option will disappear

  3. Launched a new Epoch server recently, and are currently trying to populate.
    We have around 15 players with an average of 5 online currently


    We have the following scripts/features




    -Indestructable bases


    -Custom cities/Custom Traders

    -3 "Military Forts"(compound with 3 barraks and map marker)

    -1 Military HQ(Compound with 12 barracks and map marker)

    -A.i. Missions



    -A.I. "Terminus" Camp


    -FreeClanStimulusPackage for 3 or more(buildingsupplies)

    -FreeLocked TeamSpeak Channel


    We also have a MinecraftServer and have plans for a second Epoch server on Naph
    If you have suggestions for scripts or other features we listen!

    Server is 100 slots


    ts: ts.craftdoge.com
