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Everything posted by Shakakahn

  1. these aren't the base we saw but the c130 wreck is the model we saw only it had military cammo netting tents all around it and a huge tower close by. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970282950/screenshot/576707853072577785?tab=public
  2. The reason we didn't take pictures was because we had never been to the NE airfield and we though this was the airfield. Up in the NE there are those large rocks in the woods, we followed them from the coast and it lead allmost right to it, we saw the tower up above the trees and followed to it. I guess it'll just be one of the many unexplainable things I've encountered in dayz.
  3. Shakakahn

    why o why..

    Sounds like this is just not your game. It was free so you didn't lose anything so not harm in trying it right?
  4. Shakakahn

    This is how YOU playing this mod.

    Don't take offense to this but are you retarded? Like in the literal sence of the word?
  5. Shakakahn

    Bad luck, wipes and hackers in DayZ

    I don't understand why anyone tries to set up any kind of permant residence. I've seen a few tents and vehicles through my travels in Dayz but I've never had the need to store the vehicle anywhere or setup a tent and store items. Just play the game for what it is, a unique experience each survival atempt.
  6. Shakakahn

    Anyone notice...

    I thought Rocket said that the timer doesn't start until a few minutes in so that it wouldn't take into account the respawners.
  7. Cause i would rather take 5 seconds and ask someone who most likely knows the answer instead of google for 5 minutes. And you don't think that people who are avid players of the game don't get tired of "Hey guys, how do I open my backpack?" Or "How do you light flares?" Take 5 minutes before you start any new game and read the instructions.
  8. Instead of asking over chat "How do I shot gun?" they could read the controls or maybe check a wiki? Why does everyone have to be lead around by the hand like a little child?
  9. When will you guys understand that we are players second and testers first?
  10. Shakakahn

    Holy shit! Everyone has gone insane

    I like how everyone still flocks to cherno and elektro. It makes the start of my new characters so simple, all I have to do is avoid those two towns for any of the other 50 places on the map.
  11. Shakakahn

    The Problem With Having A Car In DayZ

    I found a fully working tractor once. I drove it all over the map until it ran out of gas. Then I just ditched it in the woods. Wasn't a big deal.
  12. Shakakahn

    should they roll back the update?

    You quickly learn how to deal with the new zombies. At first my friend and I thought this was way to hard, but then we learned how to out think the zombies. Try throwing cans or have one person lead them away while the other loots. The zombies aren't easy to lose but they aren't impossible.
  13. A reason to add Survival Only servers. Not just PK bullshit. Tired of gunning down people with a makarov who want to play bandit. A survival only server would be a horrible idea. Now people who want to pk can just farm to their hearts content in a safe server then go pk in others. Also, in EVERY zombie comic/book/movie/show there is always the threat of "bandits". Like so many others have said, bandits are a necessary evil.
  14. A test base of 20k is WAY more than needed for that. 230k just makes the devs have to search through whiners about certain systems (ones that are remaining) to fix or alter ones that require it. Even if a person never posts on the forum or sends the devs a bug he is still helping to stress test, develop mechanics, tweak the average life expectancy, provide stats, etc.
  15. Shakakahn

    [Spoiler] Digging in the PBO's

    With missions. The one thing this "anti" game doesn't need is missions.
  16. Shakakahn

    [Spoiler] Digging in the PBO's

    aw shit rocket, you've come this far, don't fuck it up now.
  17. Shakakahn

    Revenge, how sweet a dish you are.

    that's pretty awesome. did you destroy their vehicles out of spite?
  18. Shakakahn


    I think your best bet of finding a vehicle is right after a server restart. Last sat I found a working tractor and a motorcycle that needed tires.