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About Shakakahn

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. And we all know how good the dayz team is at hitting their milestones. I guess my reason for posting this was to find out if the vids I've seen are wrong. What has changed in the year of development that would sway me to purchase the game even in it's unfinished state. What is my contribution to the team going to get me in the long run? I ask because once my money is spent there really is no incentive for you guys to change/finish anything.
  2. First off I haven't bought the sa yet. I can only go by the videos I've watched on youtube. But it seems like nothing has changed and that's why I haven't bought it. All the old problems with the mod are present in the sa. Zombies still clip through walls, walk through fences, zig zag about, sound exactly the same. The ui is still clunky and unintuitive, the simple act of looking at loot and picking it up is a exercise in frustration since even though the cross hairs are on the item and you are close enough, the name of the item doesn't appear, animations and moving about are odd to say the least, etc. I thought the main point of it becoming a stand alone game was to iron out these problems. Instead we get clothes with pockets? In the year and a half it's been in development the game doesn't seem like it's received any work other than adding enterable buildings, spec and bump maps, and pockets. I know this is an alpha, you guys have posted that an infinite amount of times. And I'm sure it will happen again. But how long can it be called an alpha? When it was a mod it was an alpha, and now that the sa (which came out a year late but just in time for christmas) is out it's still an alpha with the same problems. It seems like there is no plan to take dayz out of alpha. Dayz is the game I've been waiting for since I was a little kid. When the mod came out it was amazing and I did buy arma specifically for dayz. But dayz doesn't seem like it will ever be anything more than an awkward mod to a very good military sim.
  3. I have never laughed harder at any dayz vid. Have some beans sir!
  4. Shakakahn

    mass bans?

    Anyone notice that the people who get banned usually come here instead of battleye and they usually only have a few posts. It never seems to be someone with 200+ or even 50+. If you're a legit innocent then I hope it get's fixed.
  5. Shakakahn

    Need to rollback to .24

    Am I the only one who saves each individual version? Just torrent the files.
  6. Shakakahn

    Stop complaining about KOS

    "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" Basically this game is like a heavily weighted slot machine. Sometimes you'll find friendlies but usually not.
  7. Shakakahn

    Wiping all of dayZ

    The options you gave us are: 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No everyone should cheat. I'd vote for yes but only because I don't really care. The way I play it doesn't matter.
  8. Shakakahn

    Wiping all of dayZ

    Thats a fairly biased poll there...
  9. Shakakahn

    How do I Aim?

    Turn post processing off in the options. Also try turning off vsync to reduce mouse movement lag.
  10. Shakakahn

    Farewell to arma2/dayz and some suggestions

    I know these words will fall on deaf ears but we are at no time playing a game. We are testing a concept. Finding bugs and vulnerabilities. Reporting back to the bugs forum. And then they are recorded and noted for fixing after Alpha is over. Alpha is for testing mechanics and developing gameplay, not for polish.
  11. I like how you guys think the standalone will magically thwart all hackers attempts. It won't end. Not now, not at standalone.
  12. Shakakahn

    I've done it

    What is that a picture of?
  13. Isn't there one already? http://dayzdb.com/database/m136-launcher
  14. Shakakahn

    taking out a whole squad by myself :D

    Wow. You were quick to go into abort mode. Leads me to wonder how you usually play. Other than that, good job I guess?